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All Content by tmrine

  1. Lone Star Spring 2011

    I'm in the same boat... nothing from Cy Fair... well I hope this is good news!
  2. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Oh and I must say that I thought there were 600 applicants at Cy Fair alone... it makes me feel a little better that number is a combination of both schools, but still a high number!
  3. Lone Star Spring 2011

    I just called the Cy Fair nursing department and they said that they did get SOME out on Friday, but more are to come... I hoping mine is in the mail today!!!!! The lady I spoke with said we should most likely have our letters by the end of the week!...
  4. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Wow! 600 applicants, that makes me even more discouraged! I am just not feeling good about getting in... too many other scores way better than mine and that is just on this forum. I can't imagine all the other people that have better scores than I d...
  5. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Checked my mail and no letter for me either... gosh I hope it comes on Monday!
  6. Lone Star Spring 2011

    I will be at my mail box at 1pm on the dot! lol! Hopefully the mail has comes by then! Until then I am doing tons of house work to keep myself busy!!!! This is really killing me... I just need to know one way or the other! I wish my score was high en...
  7. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Well I'm glad I'm not going crazy... I knew I saw it somewhere, but why would 2 different pages have 2 different deadlines? Sounds like they need to get all their apples in a row... lol!
  8. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Thanks everyone! I'll have to look again because I swear I read on one site or another (I have looked at so many) that you have to have the series completed by 12/1 but I could be wrong. Thanks again!
  9. Lone Star Spring 2011

    I finally got my 2nd Hep B shot this morning. Does anyone know if you can get the 3rd one early? I know I heard that if you are accepted you have to have them all 3 completed by 12/1. If that's the case I would not have them done unless I can get ...
  10. Lone Star Spring 2011

    fabjulev i completely agree with you on having kids... it might make it harder to study, but they are the reason i am pushing so hard for this degree! i want to give them everything i never had growing up!:redbeathe
  11. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Thanks bugalove! That would be great! My house looks like a day care too most of the time! Toys everywhere! Good luck moving... I know moving is usually no fun! I would prefer morning classes so that I can get my oldest off the bus when she gets out ...
  12. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Thanks FruityPebble and fabjulev! fabjulev, you sound extremely busy! My 2 year old alone keeps me running around all day long, lol! Being busy is the only thing that keeps my mind off of what my letter will say! kolbee, I think that you and my mot...
  13. Lone Star Spring 2011

    Hi everyone! I have been reading all of the posts on this site and finally decided to join in on the fun! I am super nervous as many of you are... I have the lowest score I have seen on this site which makes me even more anxious to get a letter (even...