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All Content by Getreal2011

  1. Why is it a crime...

    That's what I love to hear. I know it will be hard most days, but I also feel that it will definitely be worth it.
  2. Why is it a crime...

    why is it a crime to also want to be a nurse because of salary and security? :igtsyt: i am changing careers and i'm 39. i have had a desk job all my life, but have found that the times when i have had to help people close to me while they were sick...
  3. Needing an honest answer

    Yea okay, back at ya! Is it so necessary to jump on the bandwagon and call her ignorant, idiot, etc.? So what she posted something you thought was ignorant, it still doesn't mean people have to throw personal insults? You can disagree respectfully....
  4. Needing an honest answer

    Ebony, some people here have given you some very sound advice, without the sarcasm and insults. I suggest you think about it seriously. Those that haven't are actually proving that whole, "nurses eat their young" thing to be true, and should really ...
  5. Days you are glad you are a Nurse

    they have inspired me too! you will be fine next day at a time. :hug:
  6. Days you are glad you are a Nurse

    That's wonderful! The fact that you show them that you are human too...helps. I have been in the hospital a number of times and I may not remember the nurses names, but I remember their faces and what they did for me. I've had bad and good experi...
  7. Days you are glad you are a Nurse

    Now that's what I'm talking about! That brought a tear to my eye. :redpinkhe I look forward to days like that, and I think it will make the struggle through nursing school worthwhile.
  8. CNA Training

    Hello everyone, I'm starting a CNA training program in a couple of weeks and I'm just curious about what to expect? What was your first week like?
  9. Interview for ABSN program

    Thank you. I will definitely prepare answers to those questions!
  10. Interview for ABSN program

    I am a pre-nursing school student. In order to be admitted into the program you must go through an interview. I'm just wondering what kinds of questions they may ask, so I can prepare. I have some time until the interview, but no sense in waiting ...
  11. CNA Training

    Thank you for responding. That is good information. I went to the library today and got a couple of books on the basics of being a CNA. So, by the 3rd week you were in the! That sounds exciting and a little scary, but I'm sure they...
  12. Why is it a crime...

    I believe you. I have been told by so many that NS is hard and the job itself is hard. I prefer to work hard at a job I really see making a difference than a job that doesn't. I'm sure you have had some good days though...right??? I would love to...
  13. Why is it a crime...

    Agreed...I have worked around politicians and politics all I can say is NEVER AGAIN!
  14. Why is it a crime...

    "It's not a crime to want money or security. But right now, and for the past couple of years, there hasn't been any job security in nursing, there are no jobs at all, and the next few years look pretty miserable." Honestly, this is the way it is ...
  15. Why do nurses treat each other do way they do?

    unfortunately, this happens in any industry. i think that sometimes it's a matter of insecurity, exhaustion from work, and at times down right evilness. people sometimes feel threatened by what/who they don't know. people also tend to deal with o...
  16. Who's taken the teas v?

    I understand being nervous. I am also applying next year to a nursing program and that's all I've been worrying about. Were you advised to also buy the Kaplan study guide as well to prepare? If it really helps, I may do the same.
  17. If you could create the visitors policy....

    Now that was funny! -Visitors caught with alcohol will be cracked over the head with the alcohol bottle and sent home, without bandaids or stitches!
  18. Your first job

    I'm not looking yet, but those were my thoughts exactly.
  19. Your first job

    Volunteering may be a good and possible only way to get in. I'm not a RN yet, but I figured getting some tips now wouldn't hurt. I'm going to keep volunteering in mind.
  20. Failed my CNA skills... I need encouragement please

    Don't have what you need now. You will pass this time. Just another lesson on patience and endurance. You can do it!
  21. Wow, by the time you get thru the selection and admissions process for school...your patience and endurance has already been tested! I was checking out these boards over the weekend and I realized that maybe I should shop around for other ABSN progr...
  22. The HRSA Nursing Scholarship

    Thanks for responding. I have a few dollars left available in loan money. I was talking about this scholarship that requires you to have an EFC of zero. I don't know if receiving unemployment would cause me not to qualify.
  23. New Oncology Nurse!

    Hi Chrissy. Good luck to you! This is the area that I hope to get into. I'm not sure how to add someone as a friend, but if I can find out would you mind if I add you? Would love to hear from someone who is already working in that area. :)
  24. The HRSA Nursing Scholarship

    Hmmm...I called a coulpe of weeks ago and they told me it wouldn't be open until January. I signed up to be notified by email. I was wondering...I know you have to have an EFC of 0, but I'm on unemployment right now. Would that make make my EFC mor...
  25. Do you get used to the nasty messes?

    You are sooooo right. You never know until you try! I'm kinda in the same position that you were in. I love that everyone on here so far is so encouraging yet honest about the trials and tribulations of going this route. I wish everyone here the ...