Flying ICU RN

Flying ICU RN

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All Content by Flying ICU RN

  1. Nursing Administration positions

    I think I know this advisor, as he has a hand in several industries simultaneously. Your first instinct is on the mark.
  2. Looooong narrative notes

    For what purpose then, if flow sheets were not designed with the intent of streamlining data? "Working smart, not hard", as you eloquently stated, leaves you free to notice the really important things.
  3. Looooong narrative notes

    While an opinion can be compelling to some when stated as a point of fact, details anonymously transmitted over the internet, would be even more so in allowing others to come to their own conclusions.
  4. Getting back into nursing-- so much anxiety!

    Yes very true, as evidenced here by my presenting a patient with discharge instructions. You will be just fine!
  5. I am an ardent supporter of the right to bear arms. (Public buildings and Transportation excepted). In my opinion, that is not the issue for the purposes of this discussion.
  6. Bravo! Real data as a opposed to frank supposition, forms the bases of an informed opinion.
  7. No one will fault you in using a maximum force necessary to protect life and limb, that is in fact as you noted, the right of "self preservation." Where my situation was touchy, and my focus for caution, was the inpatient status of the attacker, as w...
  8. As a professional health-care provider, keep in mind the doctrine of minimum force necessary. I've had a single instance where it was necessary to defend myself and a co-worker from harm. My first year and it was a relatively young resident in LTC (6...
  9. I assure you that you are not alone. My pet peeve with the care assignments for agency nurses is this. If restaurants were so short of staff as to require agency waiters/waitresses, would they put someone who didn't know where the forks are, to work ...
  10. A quick search reveals the state of Texas residency requirement to be 12 months. Therefore for the purposes of your form, CA is your home state of record.
  11. "Cancel Remove" function on PYXIS Machine

    As a pilot, I often review NTSB accident reports to hopefully make me a better pilot. I also do the same with Nursing disciplinary actions to see where it is that people do go wrong, and to again hopefully avoid the same pitfalls. This one caught my ...
  12. Have you ever used or are familiar with the "Cancel Remove" function on the electronic Pyxis medication dispenser? Sometimes, one may be tempted to use this function to access something not otherwise profiled, Say for example to "Cancel Remove" an u...
  13. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    I tell you in post #96 what state I am from. However, it would seem that if you failed to read and comprehend post #96, then you failed to read and comprehend the content provided therein as well.
  14. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    I knew I could count on you to deliver. In my home state of Florida, practicing outside of the scope of your license is a Third Degree Felony, (a state -vs- you action) in conjunction with the inevitable civil action (plaintiff -vs- you). I believe ...
  15. The Fight For Care

    I'll add to that by saying whomever actually does get to me be it Prince or Pauper, gets my equal attention.
  16. Interesting obstructions!

    Well, there's a mistake right there, it should have been Heinz!
  17. This can't be right...

    To what benefit if not punitive? For significant loss of say for example, retirement benefits after long term employment, yes. To bring a civil action for wrongful termination, costs a minimum of $350.00 / hr, depending on your location. If you reall...
  18. Any Advice?

    Very much so. Now, is when you begin the learning process. Two "tips" for you. *Understand that Nursing school applications, and the realities of the job are for the most part, incompatible. *Do the best you can, each day, from now until retire...
  19. What's eating me-theories and professionalism

    I will state this every time I see this statement. "Professionalism", Is a "State of mind," and individual behavior. I have known Janitors to be quite professional.
  20. Are nurses allowed to wear "doctor-like" lab coats?

    One odd thing that I have noticed over the years, is that the further removed from the bedside people are, the more "clinical" they are in appearance.
  21. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    A statement of fact as presented by you, now support it with a link to this supposed statute and or B.O.N. practice act. My money is on you cant, which should put an end to the discussion.
  22. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    No need to worry about me, I'm just fine. On the issue of whether or not a RN within the walls of a health care institution, has independent prescribing or dispensing authority under license in any state, there is no Grey. Those in support of the not...
  23. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    Where my motivation in this thread is to hopefully educate the uninitiated, I suspect your motivations are simply an obtuse attempt to remain on the right side of an argument. I'm off work today, have an aircraft to build, and am wasting entirely too...
  24. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    An oversimplification perhaps to drive home a point, my apologies for the tone. The problem here was location and the players involved. The argument to be made in the scenario would be that the plaintiff was lured into a false sense of security by ...
  25. Giving tylenol to a family member.

    You still did not offer proof that your opinion is correct, The four points of fact in post #30, stand solidly on their own merit. I challenge you to disprove those points each in turn.