Flying ICU RN

Flying ICU RN

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All Content by Flying ICU RN

  1. Changing career from Telemetry to ICU

    Getting into ICU is as easy as convincing a manager somewhere (best chance is your current hospital) that you are a likely good candidate to train. This cannot be done on-line. Good luck!
  2. The rural life has it's share of dangerous characters. Case in point, this bunch!
  3. "size of the paycheck"

    I would have turned it around. "Gee Mrs. LPN, I'm a new grad and a bit out of my element, would you help me learn the ropes a bit?"
  4. nurses attacking nurses

    Each member reading this board should ask themselves two simple questions. Do I honestly believe that nurses are incapable of camaraderie and unification? On a interpersonal day to day level, is Nursing any different than any other profession?
  5. Try this,... On the google web search, (not the news key) type in the words "doctor attacked", then type in the words "nurse attacked." It would seem an equal number of appalling incidents on a local level as opposed to a national one.
  6. Looooong narrative notes

    I love those flow sheets, that 30 minute marathon dressing, linen and tubing change session, is reduced to three check marks.
  7. Look up similar transgressions in your states B.O.N. discipline database, for clues as to length of time from incident to action.
  8. nurses attacking nurses

    Oh, I wouldn't be too quick to apply that notion across the board for any one gender.
  9. I am an American.

    No surprise there, make eye contact with a Pit Bull and it's sure to try and bite you.
  10. Which Nursing Jobs are the Least Stressful?

    My stress never revolves around acuity, a bad day is usually due to a struggle over nonsense.
  11. nurses attacking nurses

    the lyrics to two songs in pop culture come to mind,.. the o'jays [color=#444433] [color=#444433]the temptations [color=#444433] [color=#444433] [color=#444433]"nursing, is unnecessarily hard on itself",..(me)
  12. terminated-though I was "allowed" to resign

    Agree with post #1, a tough break to be learned from. Were the other nurses generally productive and happy? How was staffing? Evaluate the whole picture, if it was the devils den, learn to avoid one. If it was a well oiled machine on the other hand, ...
  13. looking at my daughters medical record

    My sincere hopes for a full and speedy recovery for your daughter. However, an independent second opinion as opposed to forensic analysis , should easily confirm or allay your fears. In seeing your response in post #4, your first priority is seeking ...
  14. Which Nursing Jobs are the Least Stressful?

    ICU is not as stressful as many make it out to be for themselves. The biggest advantage to the specialty that I would describe in a single word, employability.
  15. Drunk in Public supposed RN

    this example is a textbook definition of slander, with the accompanying real damages to reputation in the workplace. not very nice.
  16. What is my license worth?!

    Cash value as to future earnings potential, and costs of aquisition, makes a professional license/degree common property and a point of contention in divorce proceedings. I've seen this first hand. As to collateral for a business venture, that I can ...
  17. Nursing Burnout

    At our facility, we have a mandate to clearly mark unserviceable medical equipment.
  18. I am NOT your housemaid.

    Maximum level of self sufficiency for both patient and family, that's the goal. I'll never forget in my first year an able bodied patient demanding "Scratch my ***," to which I responded without hesitation, "Scratch your damn ***!"
  19. About transgendered patients

    A fascinating topic from a social standpoint, you have some thinkers there. I have never researched the issue, but I wonder about how far the re-definition can go from a medical perspective, as unidentified skeletal remains would always be primarily ...
  20. Looooong narrative notes

    Not wordy enough, suggest to the newbie something a little more articulate, such as,... "Mechanical assistance applied to supplement biological thermo-regulatory process"
  21. Forced to come into work on day off

    You are of course, correct.
  22. Forced to come into work on day off

    Likely a move taking advantage of the current climate with the hopes of leaving it in place. The trouble with that, is when things turn around again (and they will). Well, it's an old story,..... Management everywhere, beware your temptations!
  23. Can they fire you for not picking up overtime?

    Don't ever for a moment think that putting your private life first is wrong. Ever!
  24. Anybody else catch this?... Glee Male nurse

    The funniest stereotypical male nurse I've ever seen in media, was the Ben Stiller character in the film Meet the Parents (2000). There are several stereotypical references made in the film. I have to go "Milk the Cat" now.