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All Content by danceluver

  1. I hate being a nurse

    did she have previous experience in pediatric care that she was considered as an FNP? I've seen most clinics want to hire a PNP over an PNP. Just wondering.
  2. Advice--Where to go from here. Med School?

    aggie313: is your program a brick and mortar program or a distance education one? Do you need to find your own preceptors? Do you have any RN experience or going straight to the NP role? Pretty confident you'll find a job of your liking? Cuious, as i...
  3. Vanderbilt MSN program

    bump...anyone else that could speak on the easiness/difficult of being a distance student in Vanderbilt's program? Do you have a choice of staying local of you want?
  4. Hello, I am going to be starting an NP program in the fall that will ultimately cost me 100K in tuition alone, and probably 15-25K more for housing, travel, etc. Given what you know now as practicing NPs (hindsight in terms of salary potential, gr...
  5. yea, i'm fairly young as well--no family, not a homeowner, no previous credit problems, etc. Free as a bird right now. But I guess how my program requires me to find preceptors is a bit scary because of the lack of quality control and the fact that i...
  6. Accumulating debt vs cheaper NP school vs time

    Its Vanderbilt vs waiting a year and going to my state NP school. The difference in costs are vast hence a dilemma as well as figuring out if the setup of the program really works for me. I will also be doing a direct entry program (RN-MSN not a nurs...
  7. Thank you for your opinion harmonizer! Its really justified and well thought out and very valuable to me to since you are a new grad. I hope more people respond :)
  8. Starting PNP program in Fall 2011!

    @Jennifer0512: As a direct entry graduate, how have you found the job market to be like? Have you been able to interview for the jobs you've wanted or desired? What sort of specialties are you interested in? Has the pay been decent? Are you still abl...
  9. Can NPS write prescriptions for themselves and Family?

    what about self prescribing birth control? Is this a problem say if you need it, know it, are an NP (of any specialization, including pediatric NP). Is this a problem? Will a pharmacist be skeptical? Or all you mainly talking about other types of med...
  10. New School nurse sub - advice??

    You are so lucky @photomom! I hope I am able to find a school nursing job when i graduate. I would love working in the schools :) Any tips on how you got your job right out of school? Did you have any extra certifications? Good luck!
  11. Mother Baby RN

    I am starting nursing school in the fall. I am very interested in working in the women's health side of nursing (or peds) and I think Mother/Baby might be the perfect avenue for me. What is your job like working in Mother Baby or postpartum? What is ...
  12. Can the NP assist in surgery?

    Can an RNFA cert help a WHNP who wants to be involved in gynecological surgeries and c-sections? How common is this?
  13. Career Path

    Is it hard to move up the ranks in nursing administration or management without much hospital RN experience in certain units/departments? Or not so much? Can you work mainly outpatient and still possibly get a job in nursing management in a hospital ...
  14. Fastest Way Up the Ladder

    Is it practical to get into hospital administration as it relates to nursing (unit manager, department head, CNO, administrator, etc) if one has never worked or had little experience working in a hospital setting in the capacity as an RN? Does outpat...
  15. How is Vanderbilt's WHNP/ANP?

    @mammac5: Where did you get placed for your ANP clinicals? What types of sites? Is it feasible to be able to use both in the real world to maintain both certifications? Thanks! What sort of clinical WHNP setting is your friend working in if i may ask...
  16. One month as a PHN....

    @exnavygirl-RN: How did you find the job that you are currently at? Where did you search for a job with pregnant teens and infants? Websites? Something i'd be greatly interested in and would love some friendly advice when i need to start the search :...
  17. entry level jobs

    what about doctors offices or clinics? Are they a bit more flexible than hospitals? Obviously the OP and others i presume would continue to work in any RN capacity that they can. Do you suggest then probably doing it piecemeal (go for the BSN first, ...
  18. How is Vanderbilt's WHNP/ANP?

    would love to join this discussion as well! Anything you have learned about it OP?
  19. FNP Cal State LA or CSULB?

    do you have to find your own preceptors at CSULB? Pretty easy to get the classes you need if you stay full time and on track?
  20. CSU-Dominguez hills MSN admission

    Any updates about the quality of this program? How many years does it take to complete? Do you need to find your own preceptors?
  21. Will an MSN be equivalent to the "BSN required" stipulation?
  22. Fitness and Nursing- any ideas?

    I am currently working in the fitness industry and will be starting nursing school soon. My goal is to be able to combine both eventually. I love the ob/gyn and peds field, so hopefully classes relating pre-post pregnancy and peds related topics. Has...
  23. Can you work as an R.N. after you obtain a N.P. degree?

    I had the same question as the OP
  24. WHNP programs?

    @aet111: Did you ever get the answer to your question? I am interested in aesthetics as well.
  25. FNP Cal State LA or CSULB?

    Can anyone chime in about CSULB MSN program? FNP or any other specialty? Organization, faculty and staff support, education/learning environment? (especially for RN who go directly through tot he masters without any or much work experience)? @Enferm...