

surgical, OR, Med-Surg

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About fitNITbr

fitNITbr specializes in surgical, OR, Med-Surg.

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  1. Maternity Nursing Supplies

    I can't say personally that I don't like OB, but one of my instructors once said "it's like a different kind of psych. unit" Made me laugh, and scared at the same time.
  2. Newb question of the Day

    It probably is facility-based. When I had my clinical in the ER, there were some nurses that had being doing that since day 1 immediately after graduation with Zero experience. With OR, I don't know. All of the nurses that I worked with had been d...
  3. I need to take the Microbiology Exam ASAP

    super-late response, but for future reference the Demystified series is awesome. short, sweet, to the point.
  4. What date do you start Nursing school?

    Starry midnight - I don't know if your school has specifics on the type of CPR - but my program specifically requires American Heart Association - Healthcare providers certification. Sorry if you already knew this - just trying to help.
  5. What date do you start Nursing school?

    Y'all just made me even more excited about starting classes! I thought I was the only one that was so anxious...After graduating from IU 5 years ago, I never would have thought nursing was for me..... but I start school on Aug. 23.... I still need to...
  6. White nursing shoe recommendation?

    with all shoes, I have found that you get what you pay for.