

CCU, cardiac tele, NICU

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All Content by gigglymo

  1. Just be honest. Tell them you were very excited about the position, but due to unforeseen circumstances in your family, you will be taking another position that will allow you to work a second position if need be. Thank them for the opportunity, and ...
  2. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    The trick worked for me - take a deep breath and relax. You passed!
  3. Thank you all so much for your encouragement! It means a lot - my husband is also appreciative because you're keeping me from obsessing. They said I should hear back by next Tuesday or Wednesday, so I'll keep you posted! (They also mentioned when or...
  4. Beta Blockers

    Technically 60, in CCU - but it depends on where the patient has been trending on previous nights.
  5. You all are making me feel so much better. This board is a lifesaver sometimes. Definitely LOL'd at "...he was blue, so I figured why waste my time..."
  6. She just kind of nodded and went on to the next question... Eep! I probably did leave out a lot of detail - I totally took it for granted that they'd assume I assessed. I called MET rather than start CPR because the guy was on tele, his rhythm was st...
  7. Thanks all! I appreciate the feedback - I think I'm going to go ahead and apply for the other position as well. Please send good-luck vibes my way next week! I'll keep you posted! :)
  8. Thanks in advance to anyone who can help me out with this! I have an interview coming up that I am sooo excited for! I checked the hospital website today and noticed that they just posted another job that I'd be interested in as well. The specialty ...
  9. Telemetry Scare

    I worked nights on tele as a new grad and loved it. It was actually less scary for me because the patients were monitored, so you always had a pretty good idea of what was going on with them. Most important things I learned - 1. Treat the patient, ...
  10. Song Ideas?

    We used "Through the Years" - Kenny Rogers. And I think there are various covers of it as well. Everyone cried, if that's what you're going for. :)
  11. Transferring CA license to Montana

    The paperwork you need is all on the Montana BON website - Click "RN/LPN - Endorsement." I think CA uses NURSYS, which will make license verification a lot faster. Good luck!
  12. Creighton accelerated nursing program

    I didn't go to Creighton, but I did an Accelerated program in the Kansas City area. Before going in, I heard from several people that it would be the hardest thing I'd ever done, that I'd have no life, etc. etc. It was difficult and time-consuming, d...
  13. Does anyone enjoy nursing?

    I love being a nurse - I went back for my BSN after working in advertising and spending most of my time hating my job. There are definitely days where I just pray for the shift to be over so I can get out of there - but that's only about 10% of the ...
  14. quit my job woes, must rant!

    I don't think three years qualifies as "using them for orientation." It would be different if you'd bolted after three months. I don't think you need to feel bad - enjoy your new job, and be happy you got one in this economy!
  15. A lot of hospitals in the Kansas City, MO area are hiring new grads.
  16. UCSF RN Residency 2011

    Hi all, I'm new to both allnurses and the Bay Area, and I'm hoping some of you can help me out. I just applied to the UCSF Residency Program (super long-shot, it looks like, since from what you all are saying it looks like the positions are filled, ...