

CCU, cardiac tele, NICU

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All Content by gigglymo

  1. Is a phone call a good sign?

    :heartbeatgo[color=yellow]t the jo[color=yellow]b!!!:heartbeat i'm not at all excited, clearly.
  2. Well.. I *was* a cardiac nurse

    What's your legally mandated ratio for tele patients? That sounds like a LOT - and I can't imagine how you have been doing this for 8 weeks with q1hr neuro checks and vitals. Time to leave - do it for your sanity AND your license.
  3. Is a phone call a good sign?

    I'm afraid to be TOO persistent with it - the HR person at the hospital where we did clinicals told us that he kept an eye on his caller ID, and if someone called too many times, he wouldn't hire them because he thought that made them too annoying to...
  4. Is a phone call a good sign?

    I did. No answer. His VM says he'll be in the office all day today, so I might try again this afternoon. At what point do I look like a stalker?
  5. Is a phone call a good sign?

    It is 10:38 a.m.! What could they possibly be doing that is keeping them from calling me?!? Running a hospital or something? The suspense is killing me.
  6. Is a phone call a good sign?

    Lesson learned - carry your phone with you at all times - even when you are outside refinishing furniture and contemplating a career at Pottery Barn because you have absolutely given up hope on ever finding a nursing job. I'll post with an update to...
  7. I aced the test! Now how do I get home?

    You're normal. Do a quick search on "Top Ten NANDA Diagnoses for Nursing Students." You probably have 8/10.
  8. Please keep in mind that a lot of us come to this site to vent. I very rarely post when I had a night where all of my patients were fantastic, everything went perfectly, and Dr. X was polite when I called him at 3 a.m. - and to be honest, THOSE night...
  9. Why do some Medstudents love to belittle nurses?

    It's pretty easy to be brave when you're sitting behind a computer screen. It's also pretty easy to be whatever you want - who knows if this person was really a med student?
  10. Why do some Medstudents love to belittle nurses?

    If a med student said that to me I'd have them written up before they could say "M.D." That's completely inappropriate. I'm with Altra - most of our med students were either 1. terrified 2. run ragged or 3. quietly asking the nurses how to write suc...
  11. I'm probably asking this question pre-emptively. I just started working registry and have already posted about how ... challenging ... the first two days were. I was supposed to be paid on Friday - now I'm hearing (from the agency) that the 8-hour or...
  12. So my husband and I have been in a long-distance marriage for two years. He recently got a great job in the Bay Area, and I moved here to (finally!) live with him. I knew the job market here was bad before moving, but I guess I didn't realize quite ...
  13. Just checked with the staffing office at the hospital - it's considered "unbillable" which I interpret to mean that the hospital doesn't pay for it - I suppose I should have been more specific with the agency, but when they called and told me that th...
  14. I like that policy!
  15. Would those of you with two job offers please post where you're turning those down? I'd be happy to take either of the positions you're passing on. :) In all seriousness - follow your heart. It sounds to me like your heart is in NICU. Congratulations...
  16. That makes a little more sense - thanks for the information! Good luck with PA school!
  17. No word yet - I'm thinking this is a bad sign, but who knows. The right job for me is out there somewhere, so I'm just going to be patient and keep trying. In the meantime, off to refinish a dresser...
  18. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    I seriously doubt you failed with 75 questions. Try to calm down! Do something that will take your mind off of this. Look at it this way - it's OVER. Either way, at this point, your results are what they are. (I know, I know - easy for me to say. :) ...
  19. Toughen up, or quit?

    I'm currently working as an agency nurse. I'm dealing with: 1. No computer access - I have to find another nurse to log in for me to check lab values or orders. (You can imagine how thrilled they are about that). 2. CNAs who mysteriously "lose" the...
  20. RN-Refresher Course for New Grads?

    Congrats on getting an interview at UCLA - that in and of itself is pretty impressive, and you should be proud of yourself. The good news is you're getting interviews - it's just a matter of how long you want to stay in California and play the waitin...
  21. RN-Refresher Course for New Grads?

    What about various certifications - ACLS, etc. to help make you more marketable? You're definitely still considered a new grad, because you don't have experience yet. It is TOUGH in the Bay Area right now - but keep your chin up. You have a great att...
  22. Pearson Vue Trick - Does it Work Every Time? Part 2

    Mine said that too, for several hours after I took the test. Don't worry - if you feel like you didn't answer any questions right and are pretty sure you failed, you probably passed. :)
  23. Things noane told you about nursing

    I didn't realize how much I would stress about work after leaving work - what happened with that patient? Wonder if so-and-so is doing OK? I also didn't realize how out-of-touch admin. is. Wasn't I cute and naive?
  24. Toughen up, or quit?

    But, people expect you to come flying into a facility and know where everything is, and all the codes, and everyones names and quirks. The CNA's kind of look at you like a substitue teacher, time to goof off. It's almost like co-workers think I'm n...
  25. Toughen up, or quit?

    Yeah, at this point I feel like I'm done. The money is good (until you factor in the three hours unpaid...then it's not...) but I'd rather be poor and have my nursing license safe than work like this and be constantly living in fear that I'm going to...