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All Content by breastfeedingRN

  1. Umbilical cord care

    We don't use alcohol or teach parents to use it on discharge. I know my friend is a nurse at a different Valley hospital and they use it and teach parents to use it.
  2. I feel like a terrible nurse, what should I have done?

    thanks guys! i am learning more and more to trust my gut. whenever i don't, i feel bad about it later. it is usually after talking to some of the other nurses and then i get talked out of whatever i wanted to do, figuring they are more experienced...
  3. I feel like a terrible nurse, what should I have done?

    Thanks for your reply, SBE!! I always enjoy what you have to say and you inspire me to be the best nurse I can be. I know I have learned from this experience and hope to handle things like this better in the future. Thanks!!
  4. What does your screenname mean?

    mine is easy. still breastfeeding my daughter and i am an RN. though i picked the name before i actually finished school, i was thinking positive! breastfeeding is also a passion of mine, promoting it that is!
  5. What does your screenname mean?

    mine is easy. still breastfeeding my daughter and i am an RN. though i picked the name before i actually finished school, i was thinking positive! breastfeeding is also a passion of mine, promoting it that is!
  6. I feel like a terrible nurse, what should I have done?

    I try as hard as I can to be a good nurse to my patient's and part of being a good nurse is being an advocate for the patient. I had a couplet on Sunday and the baby had some things that were just not right about her. First off, she had very large...
  7. Postpartum pain management

    Just wondering if I am too liberal with pain medication as a new nurse or if I am pretty normal. I sometimes feel as if more experienced nurses are questioning why I was giving the medication so often, etc. Or I see them only giving one type when I...
  8. Shift v. Shift

    my point exactly on the teaching. some are sooo tired they can't even keep their eyes open. but, some day shift nurses make a huge deal if the teaching isn't done. i have seen other new nurses like me all stressed about getting the teaching done...
  9. Shift v. Shift

    I definitely see this sometimes. I work 12 hour nights. Some of the nurses I work with seem like they are never busy, but I am sure always busy. I barely get all my charting done most nights and am rarely to be found at my desk. Patient's definit...
  10. New Grad RN starting salary

    here in phoenix, arizona, i am a new grad and started at $20.23, plus 15% differential for nights. so i am making $23.26/hr. cost of living isn't that bad here, so i am pretty happy with my pay. especially since i went from stay at home mom to tha...
  11. Postpartum pain management

    Interesting responses. I am just going to follow my gut like I have been. I was just worried about being too liberal or something with some of the comments that I get. Not all nurses, but several. I also get some pretty irritated looks when I say...
  12. Postpartum pain management

    Thanks guys! I just needed some reassurance. In my heart I feel I am doing the right thing. I always teach my patients to take them routinely as well. Thanks so much for helping me to realize I do know what is right for them! I am totally for ...
  13. Parent vs. Non-parent L&D nurses: Does it make a difference?

    I don't think that it makes a difference and actually think that it could help to not have had a baby. i have heard nurses in postpartum say things like, "why does she still need pain medicine so frequently, it was JUST a vaginal delivery." i know ...
  14. New grad and family planning

    sounds fine to me. makes the most of any benefits you would get, too. good luck to you!!
  15. When "do no harm" meets parental denial

    Don't have any advice to offer. Just wanted to send cyber-hugs to all you NICU nurses.
  16. ICU clinical advise

    hi cindy! it all really depended on the icu nurse i was assigned to. some were more open to letting me do procedures and others weren't. i just followed their lead. icu nurses are usually pretty protective of their patients! i just asked a lot o...
  17. Do you work with LPNs on your Couplet Care Unit?

    We have about 5 LPNs that work nights where I work. I love them all and also just can't see how they want to stay LPNs. I am sure they don't get paid as much as RNs do, yet they have the same pt load the RNs have. They get new sections and new vag...
  18. Personal malpractice insurance....yes or no?

    just wanted to add a comment on patient's not suing doctors/nurses they thought were nice to them and "liked". i had a post-op gyne patient a few weeks ago. she went in for a bilateral tubal ligation and the doctor accidentally perforated her uteru...
  19. Need adoption advise and help

    no advice, just wanted to say you seem a wonderful couple and i hope that you are soon blessed with a child lucky enough to be placed into your loving family. may god bless you on your search for a child to adopt.
  20. Do you work with LPNs on your Couplet Care Unit?

    don't get me wrong. i wouldn't know who is an LPN and who is an RN except for it is on their name tags and the schedule. they are all great nurses and i trust them all. they know way more than i do since i am a new grad and they all have lots of e...
  21. First work experience in postpartum/mother/baby.

    i am a new grad currently working in couplet care. i love it. i am not being cross trained for L/D, but i have no desire to work L/D. i would like to be cross trained eventually for well baby nursery though. i work 2 nights a week and it is worki...
  22. how do you delegate to techs?

    i am glad i rarely have to delegate to our aides. they are amazing. i learn things from them all the time. i also never have a problem doing whatever needs to be done for the patient if i happen to be in there when they need it. i am not that goo...
  23. Twins - one CP one normal http://www.emedicine...
  24. Florida Hospital College RN-to-BSN

    hey you guys that are in the program-- are they pretty flexible with what they transfer? i had a 3 credit college chemistry class, no lab. what about pathophysiology, had 4 credits of that. had 3 semesters of pharmacology in nursing school. ...
  25. Become A Nurse (Medical Assistant???) Poster (Rant)

    i think they are just being cheap, unless it was a student who did it. that said. i was an MA for 8 years. MAs have their place. i never referred to myself as a nurse and corrected anyone, patient, staff or doctor who referred to me as one. i en...