
ladycody BSN, RN


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All Content by ladycody

  1. Nursing Dose's an old thread but still getting a comment from me. I've met too many who think the rules don't apply to them or that it's not a big deal in a given scenario...and I've seen a few get their licenses dinged and a few other lose them entirel...
  2. A friend bought her degree from the Philippines.

    So pathophysiology is not required for all RN programs? Had no idea...
  3. No BON is going to strip you of your license for having someone call 911 for a pt presenting with significant symptoms. You could, however, be held accountable for the poor soul with scary symptoms/vitals that has a bad outcome waiting to be assesse...
  4. Paper Charting venting

    4 shifts is not nearly enough...and mgt should be ashamed of themselves. ..but sadly it's not uncommon for training to be minimalized. With regards to paper can be challenging to adapt to...but, in my opinion, it also helps develop str...
  5. Charter College reviews (Canyon Country)

    I was told that many colleges won't accept charter credits...which would make progressing to a higher degree problematic? Anyone? (I'm already in another school but have a friend that's looking at Charter and don't want her to waste her time if she...
  6. duplicate post deleted.
  7. MRSA can lurk in certain areas without presenting symptoms...such as the nares. While non-symptomatic MRSA can be found in is more commonly found in those who have had a previous active MRSA infection. Hence...knowing that someone has h...
  8. Website with Medical Terminology Handout???

    Medical Terminology course online...great basics class and to use for reference...
  9. Special Ways to be supportive

    Figure out what her two biggest pluses are with regard to daily living and make sure it gets taken care of. Is she happier if the laundry gets done and put away or if the dishes filling the sink get washed and put away. Would she prefer that the toil...
  10. HELP!! My husband is killing my study schedule...

    Just for the record...(just wanted to clarify)...I dont intend to lie to my husband...He will know there is built in study time to my 'school days'...he just wont know (and honestly wont care) which hours are which....just that it's designated school...
  11. HELP!! My husband is killing my study schedule...

    I'm about to launch into NS myself and have alot on my plate. Between work, classes, commute, studying, and clinicals, I figure I'm looking at about 100 hours per week...which doesnt leave alot of time to sleep and visit with family. ...
  12. Weak Stomach

    yeah....I can handle most stuff, I think...and avoid smell issues by mouth breathing and scent blocking...but am hoping I can develop a bit of immunity to the effects of sputum. I dont mind poo, blood, broken bones, needles, etc (except on those I k...
  13. pageburst

    Anyone use pageburst and how do you like it? Am a bit blown away by the $1500 in 'books' with pageburst required for us...but was told that it should cover the full year. Anyway...any feedback on likes and dislikes with regard to pageburst would be ...
  14. Reading this has gotten me a bit panicked. I know it's going to be difficult but have been trying not to over-think it...because I just need to tuck my head down and get it done. The fact that I need to work while in the program in order to pay bil...