

Peds, PACU, ICU, ER, OB, MED-Surg,

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All Content by Redhead28

  1. Need solutions to nursing problems!!

    Sorry to hear that this happened to you. When you get some Med/Surg experience under your belt try the ER again. I don't feel the ER is a good place for inexperienced nurses, they tend to have many nurses with "strong personalities" that are not ne...
  2. Pulse Sites

    Perhaps she means she is checking pedal pulses at the same time she is flexing foot to check for Holman's sign.:redbeathe
  3. Eye splash

    Have had this happen with Rocephin. Just so darn thick, for a small gauge needle. I wear glasses to work so I have built in protection. Started wearing them everyday when my first year of nursing I was with a doc that decided to lance a boil on a ...
  4. In response to cost cutting.

    We are expected to empty all trash cans, pick up and distribute all meal trays, clean all equipment when you have a discharge, our secretary is also our pca. We now have a "job jar" these are little jobs that we pick in addition to everything else. ...
  5. Need solutions to nursing problems!!

    I firmly believe that you will never know everything. I answer all questions that the new nurses ask of me and I try to help them reason things out so they get the answer for themselves. I have 14 years of bedside nursing behind me and I still ask ...
  6. Plan of Care Documentation

    Every shift so 2x a day since we are predominatly 12 hour shifts.
  7. Not mine personally but here goes... Pediatric patient that mother only spoke spanish, father spoke passable english. The nurse was doing the admission history and Father was acting as translator between nurse/mother. Father said to the nurse "you ...
  8. What is the funniest thing a patient has ever said to you?

    Was taking care of a man going through DT's one time. He had been screaming and yelling crazy things all morning. Went in to do some care and as calm as could be he looked up at me and said "the devil is down in Texas, or it could be Oklahoma" I s...
  9. Worried about my charting-poor choice of words?

    I think C-diff can come in all forms. You charted loose stool. The physician should be reviewing all documentation and speaking to the patient. If patient has C-diff they will know soon enough and return or be placed on flagyl. I think you are wo...
  10. Refusing meds

    Have you asked the other's what they do to get him to take his meds? You cannot force him to take his meds, so document.
  11. Home Care Orders.....I need help!

    I would think the doctors need to be giving you phone orders or faxing in orders. I would not write orders and hope the physician will sign them, that puts you at risk when JCAHO visits, assuming the company is medicaid/medicare approved. The secre...
  12. Broke My 6 Week Contract

    Way Harsh! Follow up on the case management job. There are all kinds of nursing, bedside may not be for you. Take care of yourself or you are no good to anyone. There are different ways to work on anxiety then just medication. Meditation, exerc...
  13. I am lucky...but I'm still very disappointed ::sighs::

    Bedside nursing is different than other forms of nursing. Why not take the clinic position and apply for the jobs you want.
  14. Scared to float

    If it is now policy you are not going to beat it. Many hospitals have floating policies. Ask for an orientation to the unit and request a "buddy" someone that can show you around and answer questions. Most of the time the receiving unit is gratefu...
  15. scared i'm going to lose my license..

  16. Embarassing but true, please advise

    I agree with the other poster's check with the BON in your state. Sometimes quicker to go to the office then try to get someone on the phone. Do not lie on any applications. Personally I think someone that is honest and forthright about their mis...
  17. Worst shift ever

    I'm so sorry that this had to happen to you but unfortunately it seems to happen to all of us. We are the one thing that the families and patients seem to be comfortable aiming their hatred towards. I know that we are seeing these people at their w...
  18. No isolation for the isolation trays at our place. Gloves worn when caring out, and all dietary workers wear gloves. Then again, have never seen them change gloves... EVER.
  19. Nursing Acuity

    Staffing by Acuity is a pipe dream.
  20. Oh you will worry yourself to death if you wonder about isolation protocal. Have you ever seen a room cleaned after an isolation patient? Other than washing the curtains (if a semi-private) there is no difference in the cleaning routine. So the be...
  21. Quit My Job Today

    Many schools "require" a MSN but will take a BSN if you are willing to work towards your masters. Do it! I've seen what some of the schools are putting out and we need some instructors with morals and drive to be teaching the nurses that will be ca...
  22. how do i become certified in pediatric nursing?

    My RN,C is through ANCC it has eligibility requirements then a large fee. Must now be a BSN for their certifications. I've heard of another group that will let you test without BSN. Renews every 5 years.
  23. I hate my supervisor

    So riddle me this batman................... Standard orders include an order for heparin flush for CVL. CVL is running fluids, therefore I "HOLD" the heparin. Are you saying I have to call the MD for this? Get real your butt would never grow back....
  24. charting help - ugh!

    Remember your charting is telling the story of your day with that patient. You tell all the facts, and anything said to you. In the case of Pediatrics a suit can be brought by the patient until they turn 21, sometimes that would be 21 years later. ...
  25. Why pediatric nursing?

    Pediatric patients are honest. They don't ask for medicine they don't need. They don't care if I fluff their pillow, in fact they prefer lying upside down with their feet at the head of the bed. They make me laugh. When they have to be, (cancer p...