

Peds, PACU, ICU, ER, OB, MED-Surg,

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All Content by Redhead28

  1. what would you have done?

    I think you right on the mark with the versed. I worked couple years in PACU/DSU. You would have had to keep him a little longer but it would have been worth it to make sure he was going to be able to keep down his pain meds and it would be under c...
  2. What is your biggest nursing pet peeve?

    Beeping IV's and the sudden loss of hearing my colleagues develop.
  3. moderate sedation flow sheet

    I don't have a copy but the last hospital I worked at had a short 1 page version. Have you looked online?
  4. Any experienced nurses still have bad shifts?

    Of course all nurses have bad shifts. Like someone earlier said the bad ones get easier to handle because of experience and the knowledge that it will end. On those bad days I mumble to myself "anybody can do 12 hours, it is only 12 hours." Take y...
  5. Where to take an infant's pulse

    To count the pulse Apical is the most accurate. Brachial pulse can be felt from newborn up but you cannot count as accurately they are used during code situations. I can usually count a radial at about 4 depends on the child holding still.
  6. IV Sticks in a pediatric pt

    As an experienced Pediatric RN who has started IV's in maaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnny children I do not appreciate being interrogated by parents. I'm not starting an IV on your child for my entertainment. I do care if it hurts. I want your child to get b...
  7. Need help on mark twain quote!

    Sorry for the second post but thought of analogy to show you what the quote means. In the 30's and 40's in Nazi Germany the masses were taught (schooled) to believe that Jews were sublevel humans. The educated knew that this was not true.
  8. Need help on mark twain quote!

    Schooling is the act of being taught in a formal manner. Education is what we learn from the schooling, life experiences, mistakes, etc..
  9. Title for completing the STNA course.

    Nursing Assistant. If you do not take the exam you are not State Tested or certified Nursing Assistant. Take and pass the exam you are a STNA, Certified Nursing Assistant.
  10. Bizarre family member behavior

    We as patients or families lose all control when someone we love is in the hospital. This is the only thing that he can control. Let him. Pad the rails and explain why to on-coming shift.
  11. Perhaps the complaint should not be facing them towards the sun, but why is there no curtains for protection/privacy? All windows should have a covering for the patient's privacy. Good God they are actually turning the patients, don't stop them!
  12. BSN Required?

    If Peds is your passion go ahead and apply. A BSN does not make someone a better nurse.
  13. Vaccine Question - Mistake worth mentioning?

    I think you should talk to the office manager. A mistake is a mistake. She or they need to come up with a better system when administering medications. The deltoid is relatively small in 4 year olds and you should limit the amount of medication pl...
  14. I'm all for us getting our breaks, but not at the cost of patient care. I hate when someone is texting, twittering, looking at the internet and all around her is going to hell in hand basket. I know it may not be your patient whose pump is beeping ...
  15. A patient flat out lied about me

    My favorite line about patient's not telling the truth is "It is their perception of what happened" Yes and their perception is a fairy tale. Document, Document, Document...
  16. Working with pain

    "Your knee's, you will miss those when their gone"... This was a line in a song from the past that I have come to understand. I have had osteoarthritis for the last 10 years. My right knee swells almost daily. I've had to start spreading out my da...
  17. NCLEX in Oklahoma to Texas Question

    Don't assume you will be making 40-50K to start. Most new grad RN's start in TX at $20 to $24 dollars an hour in hospital. If you go to a higher need area like homehealth you could make more. Many places do not routinely employ LVN's except LTC, H...
  18. Do nurses make you wear diapers if you wet the bed?

    In OR she will not have anything on. Once she gets to the floor she can wear what she wants. We try to be very sensitive to these issues on Peds. It will not be a problem.
  19. Pending endorsement licensure

    If I understand correctly you have 30 days from the day you establish residency in the new state. If you apply for a home loan, driver's license or anything official the clock starts ticking. I would go to the BON in person. You will find out more...
  20. staffing pediatrics

    I would think at the very least you would need two licensed positions on unit in case of a code situation. How in a code would you be with the patient, calling the doc, calling the code and letting people in the door? I've worked on a small unit of...
  21. Would I be a terrible person if . . . ?

    My father passed away in 2001 from complications from a stroke. My siblings and I chose not to put in a feeding tube. Dad was in advanced Alzheimers. I know what you are talking about, it is a terrible disease. It robs people of not only their me...
  22. What do pediatric nurses want students to know...

    Would like to see students that want to be there. Don't hide, ask if you can do anything for us. Beg us to show you how to do things, we like to teach or we would not be in peds.
  23. How many years as a RN?

    I went into Pediatrics as a new grad with my ADN. I now have a BSN but that had more to do with my desire than any work reasons. I work in a children's hospital here in TX now that routinely hires new grads ADN or BSN both make the same money.
  24. Conditions in hospitals getting worse

    I would never leave anyone I love alone in a hospital. The care I've witnessed by my co-workers past/present is atrocious and dangerous. A perfect ratio is 4:1 and should be pushed for by all nurses. Do we really need 2 managers for each unit? Ho...
  25. I don't think one is easier than the other just different. Night/Day shifts on the same unit are not easier than the other, just different priorities. Different time management issues.