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All Content by DizzyLizzyNurse

  1. Fired for expressing concerns about patient safety and care!

    Isn't it against labor laws to work 8 days in a row? I mean unless you chose to.
  2. No Nursing Shortage At The Present Time

    Yes please educate those journalists who can't be bothered to do some research or interview some real live nurses/new grads. The only reason I got my job was because I was lucky enough to have interviewed for another hospital in the system I work for...
  3. So...you've had a bad day?

    I've always thought the reason we weren't supposed to say we were short staffed is because the hospital would rather the nurses look bad by looking lazy or slow instead of the hospital looking bad because they can't/won't hire more staff.
  4. No Nursing Shortage At The Present Time

    Home health requires experience, at least around me. I worked as a CNA for almost 3 years, so no I didn't believe I was too good to wipe butt. I also worked as an LPN for 8 years prior to finishing RN school. I couldn't get hired at my own fac...
  5. Is nursing really that bad?

    True. I love to read. I'd love to be paid to read for 8 hours a day or 3 12 hour shifts a week haha. But I think being told what to read, how long to read for, and HAVING to read would suck all the fun out of it. People do look shocked when they...
  6. Is nursing really that bad?

    I will say to you what I say to anyone looking at being a nurse. Be a PCA or CNA and get your feet wet in nursing. Then you will have a clearer picture of what you would do as a nurse.
  7. Nursing Student in Recovery

    As someone who's mother died of a drug overdose last year, I just wanted to say what you are doing is brave and amazing and I wish you all the luck in the world!
  8. Do you give back-rubs and foot baths to your patients?

    I'm a touchy feely person. I like hugs from friends. When I worked LTC I'd give back scratches and back rubs to a few residents I was close to. Now that I'm med/surge, I don't get to know anyone well enough to give a back rub. I do rub lotion on ...
  9. No job security

    Time to put out some resumes?
  10. "Loosing" my license

    I've been thinking the same thing. I haven't ever seen anyone lose their license in 11 years of health care. I have seen a couple nurses 'let go' when they were coming to work drunk or stealing drugs. They were let go for other things like tardines...
  11. New RN working in PCU want to quit.

    Maybe the techs really are busy and also feeling overwhelmed. Are you helping them as well? (Within reason, of course, no need to try to do someone's job for them.) Just a possible thought. I also agree it's very common to feel overwhelmed for th...
  12. Are there any jobs in nursing where you can work alone?

    I also worked night shift alone as an LPN with 2 CNAs. I like nights because I think there is more camaraderie.
  13. "working" when you're off...

    You teach people how to treat you. I'm surprised that you get asked that often. It only happens to me every once in a while and I'll take a peek (maybe) and tell them to go to their doctor. If they say something, I just say something about not bei...
  14. Nurses: Oppression Can Stop With You

    As someone who just found out that someone else brought a complaint against me (outright lie!) this couldn't be more timely. I'm really starting to hate nursing because of this crap.
  15. When patients hit close to home

    While still on orientation, I helped to take care of a guy who was in alcohol withdrawl. He was soooo sick. My mother died of a drug overdose last year and also had had drinking problems. When he insisted he only drank 2 beers a day and then was s...
  16. Lazy nurse or what

    Especially starting off with "I have no healthcare experience" and "I'll be starting nursing school soon." OP get a job as a aide so you can see some of what we do every day. There's a reason a job that only requires an associate's degree pays as we...
  17. Of course I would maintain my professional demeanor! If I was unprofessional with every person I took care of who had some gross infection or hygiene issue, I would have been fired a long time ago! I can be grossed out, but hide it and do my job. I...
  18. This is like the time I was walking into work and some family member at the LTC place I was working at said loudly, "God there are too many nice cars in this parking lot." And then something about "overpaid nurses." Really? You think smart people ...
  19. I think I committed career suicide

    I'd say give it at least a year. Wasn't it hard to work tele when you first started? Probably took a while to feel competent in that, too. I know from first hand experience how tough it is to switch jobs when you've gotten comfortable in one job. ...
  20. Saying 'NO' to overtime

    I go through spurts of working OT. When I start feeling anxious, or really tired, or really cranky at work, I stop picking up OT until I decide I feel like working more. I don't work more to "help out" at work (not my job), I only work more when I ...
  21. I wouldn't touch someone like that without gloves for my own safety and other patients' safety and I don't think that makes me a bad nurse. And I think that's gross. I do hope someone gave the guy a shower. You can dislike a patient or be grossed ...
  22. Nursing student weight

    I gained about 20 lbs. I ate crunchy chips to help me stay awake during lecture. Should have crunched on celery and carrots instead lol. However I know a girl who got diagnosed with type 2 dm and lost 100 lbs during school, no gaining weight in N...
  23. Slapped across the face by male patient

    I never said it did. I'm just talking about next time dealing with someone who's a different gender, language, and culture. Maybe he didn't understand and was confused to boot. Not saying it's ok to hit someone, but just an explanation.
  24. My brother works for a law firm and gets free tickets to things, gift certificates, etc. Actually they just paid for him to move to NYC. Paid for everything, moving van, moving men, food for the drive, gas, etc. For Nurses Week I won a drawing....t...
  25. Slapped across the face by male patient

    Not an excuse, but if he was confused and doesn't speak English maybe he thought you were invading his space? IDK it's so tough when someone doesn't speak English.