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All Content by DizzyLizzyNurse

  1. Piercings & Tattoos?

    Oh come on. Nothing wrong with it. At least to me. And I don't have it anymore anyway.
  2. How much personal info do you share with pts?

    You have to decide what you are comfortable sharing. For me, it differs from patient to patient. I would never give out my address to a stranger. I just say I live in the city I live in. If they press for more, I tell them I'm not allowed to give...
  3. I want to quit already...

    Sounds like it's time to polish up your resume and start applying!
  4. Piercings & Tattoos?

    I used to paint my nails when I was on break from school...just because I could lol.
  5. Patient requests

    I've also had requests to "get me that tissue"....that's right in front of them. This is when I worked rehab and then we'd have a chat about doing things for yourself so you can go home. When I say a pt asked to "fix her up something" in the kitchen...
  6. Patient requests

    Since the kitchen was closed and all we had were cold sandwiches, could I go to said kitchen and fix her up something?
  7. Piercings & Tattoos?

    I've never worked at a place that cared about piercings and tat's. The only rule is the tat's have to be tasteful (no naked ladies! - one coworker had to cover his up for this reason) and no dangling earrings because they could be pulled out. The d...
  8. Dear God, Help me

    My worst nightmare. I took care of a lady who thought she was on vacation on a cruise. Every day lol. She thought she was sitting at the captain's table during meals. It was so cute! I hope if I get dementia I think I'm on vacation every day!
  9. Dear God, Help me

    We had a lady who kept yelling, "Help me! Help me! Help me!" One of our supervisors tried to get her to say something "a little more pleasant". She tried to get her to say, "Mary had a little lamb"...which the woman repeated over and over....until...
  10. Healthcare is NOT a basic human right.

    I live on the border of Canada and the US and you'd be surprised how many Canadians come here for health care. For example, we get Canadian NICU babies because there aren't any beds for them. Seems Canada is good for routine care. USA is good if yo...
  11. 5 things you wish you knew as a new nurse

  12. Healthcare is NOT a basic human right.

    I think what is defined as a basic right changes with whatever the current society thinks. Depends on where you are in the world too.
  13. What to do in family emergency situations?

    Wow that is ridiculous. When I did LTC, there was only me and another LPN for our pts. Her grandmother unexpectedly died on another unit. It's probably easier in LTC since I already knew everyone, but I took the keys and just started passing her m...
  14. I was told by a friend's mother that it was "too hard to become a nurse" and why didn't I pick something easier? I didn't really think I could handle all that schooling did I? I was told by a nursing school program (RN) that my LPN GPA (graduated w...
  15. Healthcare is NOT a basic human right.

    Three-Fifths Compromise - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  16. 5 things you wish you knew as a new nurse

    1. You can learn something from everyone...even if it's a negative experience. 2. Sometimes you won't like your patient or their families....and that's ok! Just hide it and do your job. 3. A lot of what you graduate thinking is *important*...isn'...
  17. Movin on

    Ok I've decided to seriously look into doing something I've been talking about but haven't done. I've always wanted to move out of my small town. I was thinking NYC or California. I know the job market is tough in both places. I have 11 years of ...
  18. Movin on

    I'd love to travel, but I only have 4 months of hospital experience. Maybe I could do rehab. Thank you!
  19. I feel like everybody hates being a nurse!!!

    I hope you are filing charges against this patient.
  20. How do you stay positive about your career?

    I'd have a heart to heart. Your schedule is not going to change. He's just going to have to accept it and if he can't it's probably not going to work out. I mean, you don't have to be that harsh, but it's reality. The job is hard enough without o...
  21. Movin on

    My brother lives in NYC and I have a friend who lives in LA so I do have (non health care) connections in each area. I think I will apply for the other state's license and just apply for jobs and maybe I'll get lucky and I can just go with what I ge...
  22. How do you stay positive about your career?

    It seems the main problem is your boyfriend and his nosy mother. I had a similar problem with a previous boyfriend and his nosy mother. You seem to have accepted the downsides of nursing as just part of the job. How long have you guys been togethe...
  23. Not sure what to do. Licensed RN working as tech.

    Not true anymore. I'd start applying for anything anywhere. My old job sent me to RN school, but didn't have a job for me so I worked my LPN job for 9 months until I got hired somewhere else and left. They tried to take advantage of my situation s...
  24. No Nursing Shortage At The Present Time

    Maybe I should write her back - There will be a future shortage when all the new grads who couldn't get jobs go do something else and finally the word gets spread around. Then no one will want to go to school and the programs will close or reduce t...
  25. Should I give nursing another try?

    You don't think there is a reason that nurses start off making decent money? There's a price in there somewhere. And it's because the job is HARD and demands a lot. Go work as a PCA or CNA. And if you hate it as much as you hated nursing school,...