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All Content by DizzyLizzyNurse

  1. Not to sound grouchy but it's about time. I struggled 2 years ago for 9 months to get a job.
  2. More Confessions Of A Nurse Who Compulsively Eats

    YES. It's very hard to explain that I get no pleasure out of binge eating. I don't taste the food, I feel soooo sick afterwards I wish I could throw up. I tried to make myself throw up when I was younger but physically couldn't make myself do it. ...
  3. Off Duty RNs Save Gunshot Victim

    Yay nurses!!
  4. The math doesn't add up

    When I did LTC management had cards out for people after they passed away. They were in a location where any staff member (PT, OT, SW, nursing, dietary, etc) and other residents and their family members could sign if they wanted to. No one was made...
  5. Um if your husband isn't working and isn't sleeping from working nights as well, he needs to do his part. It's only fair. I don't have kids, but the nurses I work with who have kids and whose husbands are working during the day put their kids in da...
  6. My feet HURT!!!

    I'm a big fan of Sketchers.
  7. Child care hour friendly nursing jobs??

    This is probably a bad time to look for a school nurse job. I'd assume it's the wrong time of the year?
  8. Dear new grad...

    I chose to leave one LTC place to go to another LTC place. This was because the second place was part of a hospital network and I could transfer after a while. I got lucky and was able to transfer much sooner than I thought. Worked out nicely for ...
  9. Nurses Who Have Killed

    I love to read true crime. Found this online: Angels of Death - Nurses, nurses who kill their patients â€" The Malignant Hero â€" Crime Library on truTV.com Also, not a nurse, but a doctor, but I read about her in an Ann Rule book: Debora Green - W...
  10. I worked in LTC for 11 years total (the last 9 months as an RN) before getting a job in a hospital. I found it had pros and cons, mostly pros. I knew how to talk to patients and family members, I knew a lot about meds, I could talk to doctors. I h...
  11. Cheating in the Classroom

    I'm thinking she meant that she has so much trouble with English it's weird she's doing so well on a test that is in English. Not that she wouldn't understand it in her own native language but it's suspicious to not be able to speak the language and...
  12. Yet another burned-out nurse question...

    I know nurses who deal with the stress by spending every penny they have on stuff. Kudos to you for not having any debt and having savings!! You gave yourself the gift of freedom! I'd love to teach English in Asia myself. Hopefully one day!
  13. Reality shock

    Slow down. Ask for help nicely. Return the favor and offer to help others when you have down time. It won't kill the next shift to have to finish up your discharge. I know because I had to finish a discharge for the day shift just a couple days a...
  14. Cheating in the Classroom

    If I were you, I'd just concentrate on my tests....and when you get mad at her 100%'s just think how panicked she's gonna be if she really is cheating and she has to pass her boards....on her own. What a waste of time and money if you go through all...
  15. New nurse and very depressed

    Are you keeping a set schedule on your days off? I find that if I try to reverse my schedule on my days off (I work nights as well) I feel like crap. Do you take your meds according to your schedule? If it says to take before bed, you don't take t...
  16. New Grad Quitting After Less Than a Year (advice!)

    Can't you just stay for a little while after your wife leaves? That way you stay a respectable amount of time (maybe 6 months after orientation) so it looks good on your resume. My brother and his fiance are doing this now. She is a lawyer but man...
  17. Why In The Heck Should I Be A Loyal Nurse?

    I worked at a place that worked to treat their employees right. We did company picnics, very fancy expensive dinners when you reached 5 years employment, 10 years, etc. The owner came and talked to the staff and actually gave a crap. In return the...
  18. Anyone here who hate the holidays?

    I have a large family and large extended families on both my mother and father's sides. (I am single.) I love getting together with all my cousins, especially the ones who have moved out of state and I rarely get to see. I also was lucky enough to...
  19. Do patients question your expertise?

    I took care of an MD the other day that didn't know the difference between a bedpan and a hat...so don't feel too bad lol.
  20. Do patients question your expertise?

    I look young so people are surprised when they ask what my experience is.
  21. Confessions Of A Nurse Who Compulsively Eats

    I looked into having lap band surgery and the psychologist actually told me not to get it because people with binge eating disorder tend to gain all the weight and then some. Just be careful. I'm trying to do this now. Learning to play piano and ...
  22. What Makes a Great Nurse

    You can sympathize with someone and not enable. For example the doctor might feel bad for an addict, but still won't prescribe some ridiculous amount of drugs. And BTW knowing you can get addicted to something doesn't keep you from getting addicted....
  23. Night shift and daylight savings....

    Yeah, I've never gotten paid double. Only time and a half after 40 hours. So if I worked 16 hours instead of 12 I might not get any overtime at all, as long as it only added up to 40 hours. I'd probably volunteer for 16 hour shifts all the time if...
  24. How do you feel about male nurses in OB/GYN/NICU?

    There ARE male midwives. I think I read 2% of midwives are men?
  25. The new person is a germaphobe.

    Yeah, you are getting germs in your car, which get on your new, clean clothes. That means they get on your couch, your chairs, end up on your clothes in your other laundry basket, etc. No offense meant, but germs are a part of life.