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All Content by Sliverofhope

  1. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    cstarr where did you hear this information?? I just talked to an advisor yesterday who stated letters would be going out.......she mentioned nothing about phone calls. That isn't a reliable way to contact people.
  2. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    That goes along with what the advisor told me today. She said 50ish for the night time program and 50ish for the day time program. Roughly 100 per campus. She said something about getting 500 applications but I didn't ask if that was Shelby only or c...
  3. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Update....I went to the Shelby campus today for info on letters. I was told by a nursing advisor that their part of the job is done and they are waiting on the dean and the top people running the program to determine cutoff points and to select who ...
  4. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    and wait...and wait...and wait some more. :)
  5. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Well despite what we keep hearing about the letters I still get nervous every time I check the mail. I can't help but hope that all the rumors are wrong and the letters have been sent and mine will be in the box when I check the mail. Now I know it w...
  6. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    So I just talked with a friend who personally called Jeff State on Thursday of last week. She was sick of waiting and decided to go right to the source. She was told no cutoff points had been determined yet and it would probably be another 2 weeks ...
  7. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I have told you mine, but in case you forgot I applied with 190 points. :) I am sorry you didn't get any info. I have decided to quit trying. All it does is frustrate me.
  8. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Exactly. Lots of time for stress later. :)
  9. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    You will get a letter letting you know either way. Hopefully the letter will contain good news for you! As for me, I haven't a plan B. The only class I have left to take is the developmental psych. I considered taking it this summer, then decided...
  10. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    LOL! At this point I would take a letter today saying I was in and orientation was tomorrow....the heck with those ducks. LOL!! I hope we all get good news soon.
  11. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Good going! Sounds like a logical conclusion to me! :)
  12. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Thanks for the info BerniKitty!! I had heard they used scare tactics and that seems like a big fat waste of time. People know it isn't a walk in the park. I don't want to waste my time hearing them harp. I want useful information that will prepare ...
  13. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Do you know anything about orientation? What day of the week it is on, time of day, what they do....or anything else you can think of? I really know nothing about what to expect if I find out I am in. I have been flying by the seat of my pants sin...
  14. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    ONLY another week? LOL. That seems sooooo far away. I feel like we have been waiting a year already. I am anxious to get the info so I know how to plan for my fall.
  15. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Clearly you get more info when you talk directly with an advisor as apposed to sending email. That makes me feel better. What exactly does under review mean? Is this an annual thing or is this due to their fail rate?
  16. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    QUESTION: Today I heard a rumor that Jeff State may be put on probation because of their high failure rate.....has anyone else heard this???? This came to me from someone else who is applying to their nursing program for this fall. I have only hear...
  17. Jeff State or UAB? What do you think?

    My son-on-law just graduated from UAB's school of nursing this May and he was very unhappy with their program and the people running it. From his experience I decided to apply to Jeff State for their program. The UAB program had too many disorganize...
  18. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Hmmmm, did you physically speak with an advisor? I had an email from one of the nursing advisors on Friday that said the cutoff points had not been determined yet so she wasn't sure when in July the letters would go out. She said once the cutoff was...
  19. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Yes, I got an email from her responding to one I sent 2 weeks ago. All she said was I would get a letter in July. It would have been nice to know when so I sent a reply asking if she could say if it would be early, mid or late July and if she could ...
  20. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    HAHA! Exactly! I didn't think it took a brain surgeon to handle the applications and get letters out in a timely fashion. When they said 4 - 6 weeks I truly believed that was more than enough time to get the job done. Apparently I was wrong. I am sta...
  21. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    You know what frustrates me....the fact that UAB sent out their letters TWO WEEKS ago!! This is a 4 year school....they have to have more applicants yet they manage to get their letters out quicker than Jeff State......
  22. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Ah. I took A&P I last spring and II last fall....then micro this spring. Needless to say I'm sick of science classes. LOL
  23. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I took micro this spring. It was basically the last class I needed other than nursnig classes. I do need development psych but I'm going to take it online, hopefully while I'm in the program.....
  24. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I may have told you Ruthie, but I also applied for the night/weekend program with 190 points!! Maybe we will both get in! I am glad tomorrow is Friday, we can roll into next week and we will be that much closer to getting letters. I had not heard ...
  25. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Man, I know everyone needs a vacation BUT she couldn't have picked a worse time. You would think the applications would have to be done and letters out before anyone would be able to take a vacation. That is such a huge time consuming job it would ...