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All Content by Sliverofhope

  1. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Can you recommend a good source for math info? I have looked on line but I'm not sure what to use as a study guide. I am not bad in math, just been a bit since I have done calculations so I want to be sure I'm on top of it before classes start. Al...
  2. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I looked at the list of classes and it looks like we have 2 classes in the part time program. Health assessment and Intro to pharmacology..... There are other classes but most people have those done before entering the program. Does anyone know when...
  3. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Sounds like a good idea. I can send you a private message Sunday or Monday and let you know what I will be wearing and what I look like. That way we can look for one another!! :)
  4. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    That is AWESOME!!!! Congrats!!
  5. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Woohoo 2 loves!! That makes you, me and MissApril in the night/weekend program at the shelby campus. Now we have to figure out how we will know one another at orientation. :)
  6. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I know about the anxiety....I was feeling the stress bad on Thursday. That is why I decided I would rather call so I could stop stressing. I figured either way it would be a relief to at least know so I could plan for the next step. I know it doesn'...
  7. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Dana I believe that once the cutoff points are established it's for the entire program and I had 190 and I am in. I listed my preference as the night/weekend program but that doesn't matter. I think it is taking them a long time to get their calls ma...
  8. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    OH....can I ask how many points you applied with wahoowa? I had 190.
  9. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    You are most welcome wahoowa! I look forward to hearing that you got good news as well. Good luck! :) (and thank you! I'm happy and scared all at the same time. LOL)
  10. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I sent you a private message. I don't think I'm supposed to post names or numbers on here. Good luck!
  11. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Well MissApril it looks like I will be seeing you on the 19th!! CAN do it. Micro is a pain, but not impossible.
  12. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Thanks cstarr!!!! I am really excited and relieved.
  13. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls... you were all right when you said be patient! I called yesterday to seek info since I hadn't gotten a phone call and I was stressing. I had to leave a message and I am happy to report I got a return call this morning with most excellent ...
  14. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Micro was hard to me, but other than A & P I didn't have the science background. So I did OK (made a B) considering the fact that I was behind the curve most of the semester. I'm not sure I will apply again in the spring at Jeff State. If I appl...
  15. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Yes, my friend got her phone call yesterday. She has accepted her position in the program. And you are right takes some time to make that many calls. I just feel like my phone call isn't coming. We can't all get in, I knew that whe...
  16. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    So it is almost 4 and no phone call for me today. I am willing to bet they are done making phone calls. Congrats to all those who were accepted! I wish you all luck in the program!! :)
  17. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Thanks for the encouragement! I am stressing right now...need all I can get. LOL. I hope I hear something before the weekend or I will spend the weekend freaking out! I will be sure and post as soon as I hear something. Good luck to all!!
  18. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I know what you mean firedance! I have spent the last year and a half working like a dog trying to earn good grades so I could have the best score possible without having to take a class again. I managed to make it to 190 (that dreaded B in math!) ...
  19. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Excellent firedance, no wonder you got a call!! I have a friend who also applied to the program with 200 points. I will have to check with her to see if she also got a call. Did you apply to the night program or the day program?
  20. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I really didn't have much of an option. I work so I needed night time classes to fit my schedule. I know someone who recently graduated from UAB's program and they didn't really have good things to say about it so I decided to avoid that one....plu...
  21. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Thanks cstarr!! I just checked the home front and no phone call yet..... Did you apply for the program as well?
  22. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I just hate being told one thing one day and then finding out something different the next. I am nervous enough as it is!! The waiting is starting to get to me!
  23. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    I applied to the Shelby Campus with the first choice being the night program but I put the day program down as well....I will do what it takes to make it work. I applied with 190 points......
  24. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    firedance - can I ask what points you had?
  25. Jeff State Fall 2010 hopefuls...

    Hmm. I was told everyone would get a letter regardless. She said in or out you get a letter and if you are in the letter will contain an insert that has information about orientation...what you need to do what you need to bring...time, date, place....