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All Content by Futuremidwife0721

  1. Florida CNA exam

    Hello ya'll I am in the middle of working on my prerequisites for the Nursing program in Florida. In the mean time I want to get my foot in the door in a hospital. I have tried applying at hospitals for clerical work and seem to be having some proble...
  2. Florida CNA exam

    I have been trying to get into the RN and LPN program already for 3 years. It is so competitive here and I'm not having any luck, while the paramedic program is pretty much open. I got accepted my first try. I'm tired of sitting around waiting, my hu...
  3. Florida CNA exam

    I ended up challenging the exam last year, passed, and got hired as a CNA within a week. Still trying to get into the nursing program, and still trying to get a job in a hospital instead of a rehab center. I took a first responder course, and will ho...
  4. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I still have not recieved my letter, either they never sent it, or it got lost in the mail. I know with the RN program they send out a batch of letters one week, and they next week they send out the rest. I had to go into the office to get my results...
  5. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I was out of town all week last week, but now that I'm back I'm going to personally go into the office today. Absolutely ridiculous that I have to do that to find out where I stand.
  6. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I still have not received a letter either way. I have tried calling the office everyday for the past week and no one answers. I am going crazy, and fear I am the only one that did not receive a letter!
  7. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I have been trying to call the office for a week now, and have not spoken to any one yet either! I'm getting really annoyed since I don't even have a letter yet.
  8. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Has anyone not received a letter?
  9. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I still have not recieved anything ;( I don't know what to think! Why would they make me wait longer then everyone else ;( I hope my packet is not lost in the mail. I have called the office over and over again and no one will answer WTH! Congrats to ...
  10. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I'm hoping rejection letters were sent out this week, and acceptance letters will be next. Everyone I know that got a letter this week was denied. One can only hope.....
  11. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Has anyone else received a letter?
  12. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    RN prereqs are- College english, College math, Anatomy and Physiology 1 and 2, Intro to sociology, Human growth and development, Chemistry, and general psychology. You also need Microbiology but can be enrolled in it when you apply. For the CNA I we...
  13. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Not really, I'm a CNA which requires no schooling to obtain, but you don't get paid as much as med. assistant. I would try the LPN program again, along with Med assist. Most people have to apply a few times before getting in. I am working on my RN p...
  14. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Is everyone working on their RN prereqs and applying for the LPN program in the process? Or just applying to the LPN program?
  15. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I have no idea what my score is. I don't even know how they come up with the scores. I heard they tell you what your score is on your "letter" Last semester people who had a 9.0 out of 10 didn't even get in! If you don't mind me asking what was your ...
  16. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Have you seen other LPN fall hopefull threads on here? I'm so anxious! I called the nursing office and they said they wont be sending letters out until next week. I wonder why? I'm going to call back and speak the advisor instead of the office worker...
  17. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Sorry to hear you didn't get in. I did not receive anything today ;( I tried to call and they did not answer. What side of Jacksonville do you live on? Did anyone else get a letter?
  18. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Hoping today is the day! If not I'm going to call the school again today. Does anyone know how many days we have to confirm our seat?
  19. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I thought for sure it would have been her yesterday. RN's go their letters last week on Wed. Nothing yesterday and nothing today I'm leaving on Sun for a week I'm worried I wont get it before then, and have to give up my seat because I wont have RSV...
  20. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I sure hope so! Monday is the start of the last week of July!!! It can't come fast enough!
  21. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    Wow really? They said we would know by the last week of July! I don't think I can wait for the first week of August! I dream about getting my letter every night, it's driving me crazy!
  22. fccj LPN program Fall 2010 anyone?

    I am also waiting for that packet in the mail ;( The wait is driving me crazy! I think I'm going to call the nursing office tomorrow and ask if they have made a decision yet.
  23. What is the best department to work in?

    I will hopefully be attending nursing school in the fall (still waiting on my acceptance letter) In the mean time I am in CNA training to hopefully get my foot in the door at a hospital. I DO NOT want to work in a assistant living/nursing home type o...
  24. Help from those in Florida

    I will be starting the nursing program at my local state college next year, however I would like to get my foot in the door at a hospital now. I decided CNA was probably my best option after trying to get a desk job for a year with no luck. From the ...
  25. Florida CNA exam

    I have not taken one of those classes yet. From my understanding in the state of Florida you are not required to take any classes, just need to pass the exam.