
Megsd BSN, RN


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About Megsd

Megsd is a BSN, RN and specializes in Neuro.

RN in Neuro Advanced Care

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  1. Starting RN salary in Dayton, Ohio

    My starting salary was $22, which seems to be about average for Dayton, unless you're looking for peds (which pays
  2. If You Think You Haven't Heard It All...

    When I did psych clinicals my friend had a pt who had been in ICU for an attempted OD before being sent to psych. One day he told the nurses he was going home to have dinner with his wife because it...
  3. MRIs & Computer charing...HELP?!?

    Can you chart in the control room periodically? That's where I computer chart when I travel with pts to
  4. Where to work first

    While I think a year of med/surg can be valuable, post-partum jobs can be hard to new grads to snag, so that's awesome that it was offered to you. If that is your passion, I would take that position....
  5. IVs

    One other tip, take the tourniquet off the arm before you flush the IV, otherwise you might blow the vein. Been there done
  6. My first week of working an a RN I was participating in an internship and my preceptor and I had this fellow who was postop. She and I were both in the room when he started to vomit. I don't even know...
  7. an almost funny comment

    Ha. Heaven forbid she has to assess her
  8. Do you have to list EVERY job?

    LIST IT. I don't know about the issue of pulling your license and seeing your jobs, but the nursing community is smaller than you think, and they will find out. I would just say, when asked, that your...
  9. smart pumps

    Priming them isn't too bad. Just remember to "wedgie" the tubing into where the air indicator is, and make sure the tubing isn't stretched out so it will infuse properly. I find the guardrails very...
  10. Alcoholism: disease or choice?

    I think alcoholism is many things. I have many alcoholics in my family, but my mom is the current active alcoholic. While the initial drink was certainly a choice of some sort, alcohol is so embedded...
  11. Avoiding burn out

    I'm kind of similar. I have no game face, my coworkers apparently think that I can't hold it together in stressful situations. I try to handle everything myself, perfectly, and before I know it I'm up...
  12. Every other weekend- what century are we in?

    Personally, I don't care about working weekends because I like the slower pace and the extra money. On my unit we finally have enough staff that people who have been there for two years or more have...
  13. My pockets are overflowing!

    One trick is to put your roll of tape on your hemostats, clip your hemostats to the bottom of your scrub top, and put your scissors/shears through the tape the other way. And yes, cargo pants
  14. Nursing student questions to new RNs

    1) How quickly did you take the NCLEX and get your license? I graduated 11/17, got my ATT 12/6, and took my NCLEX 12/26, and started working 1/21. I think I got my license in the mail the first week...
  15. The issue with lab draws only exists if the person has fluids running because of the risk of diluting the sample. So our lab people either draw in the other arm, or ask if we can pause the fluids for...