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All Content by mavnurse

  1. We need some fun here...who would u tazer?

    Edited because I'm paranoid my tazer victim visits the forum.:chair:
  2. Why do you say that Nursing School is hard?

    Well, I mean that there's no more to study this semester than last. (when I was taking A&P 2, chem, foundations, 2 lit classes and an elective) So ok, maybe there is sort of a lot. But most of my time is spent doing stupid class requirements l...
  3. Started clinicals this past week...

    This is why I'm glad I have one day left on the floor this semester. Clinical is like the "bad day" of the week.
  4. Describing Skin Turgor

    We write "instant recoil at clavicle" (or wherever) or "skin recoil
  5. Why do you say that Nursing School is hard?

    The work itself isn't hard at all it's just the volume. Not that there's even a lot to study - I'm talking about the stupid group projects and mounds of "critical thinking" clinical journals. If nursing school was just lecture, study, clinical, tes...
  6. Where do you go for field trips?

    Yeah, does clinical count? I'm so excited - next semester for our pysc clinical, we get to go to the state mental hospital for two days in a row. (We will usually have a clinical at a local site one day a week, but this is like a "special" week.) ...
  7. Shoes

    I have Doves and I they they're great. Maybe you need a bigger size? Mine are a little big on me I think, but with socks they fit just fine. The only thing I don't like about them is that they make me look like a duck. I only wear a size 6 but th...
  8. Sigma theta tau

    I'm in it but I have absolutely no clue what they want. They just sent me a membership packet, I mailed back my paperwork and some $$ and a week later I got my key and everything. I barely even know what it is, other than an honor society. Sorry, ...
  9. nursing school presentations

    I think the "rule" at my school is something like 1 project per class per semester.
  10. nursing school presentations

    I think the "rule" at my school is something like 1 project per class per semester.
  11. tuition reimbursement

    In Denton: eat at Hooya's (if they're still there), the Flying Tomato on Fry Street, and Beth Marie's in the downtown square. Also check out Voertman's by Fry Street for school supplies and a bunch's like a huge gift shop. The Oper...
  12. tuition reimbursement

    In Denton: eat at Hooya's (if they're still there), the Flying Tomato on Fry Street, and Beth Marie's in the downtown square. Also check out Voertman's by Fry Street for school supplies and a bunch's like a huge gift shop. The Oper...
  13. tuition reimbursement

    OOO I know what school it is!! It's not my school, but I really thought it was b/c they do the exact same stuff. Sorry, I just liked trying to guess about school A.:imbar And ps you don't want to go there anyway, trust me. There are about 40 spots a...
  14. tuition reimbursement

    OOO I know what school it is!! It's not my school, but I really thought it was b/c they do the exact same stuff. Sorry, I just liked trying to guess about school A.:imbar And ps you don't want to go there anyway, trust me. There are about 40 spots a...
  15. nursing school presentations

    Yes, I have one on Tuesday. It's a group project, and I have one more group project in the works for a different class. :angryfire Sorry, I don't like group projects or presentations...especially when they're combined.
  16. nursing school presentations

    Yes, I have one on Tuesday. It's a group project, and I have one more group project in the works for a different class. :angryfire Sorry, I don't like group projects or presentations...especially when they're combined.
  17. At my school you have to take those two classes at the same time. We all survived!! (And half of us were taking chem and micro along with those classes...I took 19 hours that semester and had 3 labs.:chair: ) I'ts not too bad once you start, but I...
  18. At my school you have to take those two classes at the same time. We all survived!! (And half of us were taking chem and micro along with those classes...I took 19 hours that semester and had 3 labs.:chair: ) I'ts not too bad once you start, but I...
  19. tuition reimbursement

    ummm i think i might go to "school a" it's in tx right?
  20. OK, just a little rant here. I know this is nursing, not English, but it bugs me so much when my instructors don't use proper words!! Every single one of them says "malnutritioned" instead of "malnourished," and the other day, one said "ethnicicity...
  21. Instructors making up words *rant*

    Wow, even our notes say "parental" medications. The test, too. I forgot about that one. I guess this is a problem in every nursing school.
  22. Instructors making up words *rant*

    I think your med surg prof and my patho prof went to the same school... I heard "vasodilitation" all through that semester. One time someone asked her if it was the same as vasodilation and she said "Yes, but I just say it that way."
  23. ? about giving shots

    ^^This was on a mannequin and he was slippery after I wiped him off with alcohol, so my hand kinda...slid. It hurts just thinking about the webbing thing. :stone
  24. Procrastination YUCK!

    Don't feel bad - I'm in the same boat. My clinical papers (aTON of them, including a care plan) are due at 9 and I haven't started any of it. We'll get it finished!!:balloons: And then I get to start studying for my assessment test tomorrow and I...
  25. ? about giving shots

    We learned 90 degree angles for all types of shots. I guess everyone learns it differently. Oh, but DON'T stick yourself accidentally during check offs like I did.:imbar