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All Content by mavnurse

  1. I did not attend a review class, and passed at 75 questions (or whatever the minimum was - I don't remember!) I had a Saunders book because it was on the required reading list for a class, but I barely looked through it. The NCLEX is not the huge d...
  2. Clinical schedules

    I start my first 12 hour clinical tomorrow morning at 6:30. :uhoh21:
  3. Hi to all! I just got my clinical assignment for my Psyc nursing class. It's at the county mental hospital, more specifically Trinity Springs Pavilion at John Peter Smith in Fort Worth, TX. Has anyone worked here or at any other county hospital? ...
  4. Clinicals at county mental hospital?

    That's kind of good that they don't do drug rehab because hopefully that means I'll get to see a wider range of things. We also have a two day trip to Terrell State Hospital planned as part of our clinical, and from what I hear, that's when things g...
  5. Hoping this is all worth it

    I still definitely have doubts. I walk past the engineering bldg sometimes and want to cry b/c I'm afraid I'm majoring in the wrong thing and it's almost like it's too late to turn back. Then I go get in my car and drive to clinicals to clean egg o...
  6. Tough Time?

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS!!! :balloons: Now, thank you for this post, because I HATE clinicals with a passion. I always think, "If I dread clinicals this much - will I dread my JOB this much someday?" Thanks for giving me some hope!
  7. Online or on Campus Nursing Nutrition Class

    Online!!! Nutrition was the class that everyone skipped, anyway. :) It was ok though because our professor actually wrote the textbook so it's not like the test material was going to be any big surprise.
  8. What is your study tips?

    I'm going to get fussed at for this, but don't over study - just go with the flow. If you don't feel like studying, don't. Go to bed early the night before tests and just skim over the notes the next morning. It keeps the stress low, and you find ...
  9. Age discrepancies

    I'm 20. :) As for your question about if starting off early was the right thing, ask yourself what you would be doing otherwise until it was "time" to go to nursing school. If you know what you want, do it ASAP!
  10. If You Dont Pass a Class, Your Out?

    At my school, you can fail 2 classes before being kicked out for good and having to apply somewhere else. However, the way the classes are scheduled puts you behind a full semester if you do fail something since every class is a prereq for another c...
  11. If you're on a break, are you reading for "fun"?

    Right now I'm reading The Elegant Universe by Brian Greene. It explains a lot about string theory and how relativity and quantum mechanics can't both be right. It's a good book if you've ever sat around wondering things like "if the universe is exp...
  12. Altoids , a PDA if you use one so you won't have to carry your books around, steth, pens, watch, ID. I had a clipboard with all my papers on it that I would usually leave at the nurses' station, but that's it as far as supplies went.
  13. Been thinking am I too old?

    As a 20 year old, I have to tell you that it seems like the majority of people in my class are about 30 - some are much older. I expected everyone to be around my age and I would wonder why clubs like PINS (Parents in Nursing School) were so popula...
  14. Does this annoy you?

    That's exactly what happened!! I made an 89.72 in one class then a 90.28 in another. So if you avergae them out....I should have made two A's, right?
  15. Does this annoy you?

    This reminds me of my little 89.72 final course grade in one of my classes. I kept thinking OMG if I had only gotten 2 more questions right on exam 2, or spent 10 more minutes studying for my practicum...but hey, in the end a B is a B (even though I...
  16. Suggestions for pharmacology?

    I wish I could help but I remember pharm as being something you can't really prep ahead of time for. You kinda have to take it as it comes. Anyone else feel this way?
  17. I am shocked!!!!

    ^^^It was something they told us at orientation - I wish I knew the original source, too, because that seems so high!
  18. I am shocked!!!!

    Weeeeellllll they did tell us that around 85% of nurses are chemically dependent to some degree. I guess some start early?
  19. Scared to start an IV

    I know! She really did need a new IV, but geez...and I wasn't the only person practicing on her since we rotate in partners. She kept saying "it doesn't matter to her," but I felt bad after a few tries so when she asked me if I wanted to do it agai...
  20. trouble stayng slim when in nursing school

    Anyone have the opposite problem?? I actually lost weight (and for me that's not a good thing when I was trying to gain some in the first place). A lot of days I would come back from class and take a nap and wake up around 8pm and be too lazy to fi...
  21. Scared to start an IV

    My very last clinical rotation this semester was to the ICU and much to my horror my professor was there working as a nurse!!! So of course she went around looking for all the scary stuff for me to do. There was a coma patient who needed an IV move...
  22. Snow in Houston

    I know, this is weird! I'm Fort Worth, and we have snow here, too. We actually get to wear sweaters and coats on Christmas!!! The highs next week will be back to normal (70-ish) for us as well. By then I'm sure we'll all be ready for that warmer ...
  23. Comment that really ticks me off.........

    Well Kara, sorry to offend you, but these girls do nothing - they take maybe 12 or 13 hours a semester (none of which are actually history classes, I should add), and go to class for a few hours every other day. I've said before that nursing isn't a...
  24. The HESI fundamentals final I took had some really ridiculous questions, but I can't put them on here because they might sue me. Seriously.
  25. Comment that really ticks me off.........

    ^^^Ah, that might be good. Depending on who I'm talking to, I'll usually include the name of the school, too. Before I knew much about what other people think of nursing school, I just assumed that they would know it was a real education. *sigh