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All Content by AFFam

  1. Housing near Keesler

    My aunt lives in Gautier and she warned me about the insurance premiums. It really changes how much house you can afford! I don't think I have made it to PM status yet, but you can send me one with the information about your house. Who is your rea...
  2. Housing near Keesler

    Well we are originally from MS, so nothing will surprise us. It does suck about the oil spill though. It's really disappointing especially with the area not fully recovered from Katrina as is. Thanks for the link. I also found
  3. NTP information

    Thanks! My cousin in currently stationed at Nellis so he's hoping they will get to hang a little. I'm not even worried about the strip. With me losing my job when we move and him being so tight-fisted, he won't spend anything unless it's absolutel...
  4. New grads with no prior RN experience, have any of you received your information about your duty station or NTP assignments? I thought I remembered reading that some of you had. We have my husband's COT date, but we were wondering if anyone is goin...
  5. New Grads...any information about COT

    Well based on the update we got yesterday, we should be hearing something shortly. Hopefully it will be what we want to hear! :) Thanks for all the help. I'm sure I'll be back with more questions the closer we get to moving.
  6. New Grads...any information about COT

    Well maybe that was the case because it seemed like we were forever re-signing paperwork for this reason or another. Hopefully we will know something in the next month. We are trying to save for the uniform costs, and I would love to have enough ti...
  7. New Grads...any information about COT

    ...if its a standardized process, how is there no rhyme of reason. I don't understand, and if he has more than six months experience by the time he goes to COT does he still need NTP or can we bypass that training? Its crazy that some canidates are s...
  8. Air Force Nursing Bonus, Student Loan Repayment

    Great! Thanks for all the advice. He got the federal deferred until 01/11. Now we just need to get the private one defer. I was really not looking forward to that payment. My interest is so much lower than his, so I know it is going to be insane...
  9. New Grads...any information about COT

    My husband talked to the recruiter's boss and he thinks that he should know something by mid-June. I just find it odd that some May grads are going to COT before DH and he graduated in December. I didn't know if there was a regional preference or w...
  10. Air Force Nursing Bonus, Student Loan Repayment

    Does anyone know if you can defer your student loan payments if you are planning to apply for the loan repayment plan? DH is hopefully going to COT in October but his first student loan payment is due 7/1. We were hoping to defer until we found out...
  11. Hi, my husband is a nurse and has signed a letter of acceptance with the Air Force. I am a little confused on a few things, so hopefully I will ask my questions clearly. Has anyone signed a letter of acceptance without a hard date and duty station? ...
  12. Confused about AF Nursing Program

    Thanks for the PM, carolinapooh. That's what I thought. Rghbsn, we are in Greenville. He is currently working at Pitt and if we leave in October, he will have 6 months experience. However, we have a friend who left in December and he says that it ...
  13. Confused about AF Nursing Program

    Thank you so much! He had already informed me of the 'hurry and wait' mentality of the military, so I kind of expected this. His recruiter just emailed us and said that she expects to get our duty station and a firm COT this summer. Does that seem ...