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  1. Hi balakubak, Yes, I did get my license on Aug. 8th!! Very happy about that:yeah:. Are you in NJ??
  2. Hi Ashley, I am going to work in NJ. So I just appeared for my boards on July 21st and did pass. But I have my orientation starting on Aug. 8th at the hospital and they want my license #. I wanted to get it as soon as possible... Thanks.
  3. Hi, I am just wondering how long it takes to take the actual RN license in NJ? I am scheduled to take the RN exam in July. I know that we know the results the next day or so. But how long does it take for the NJ BON to send you the license?? I ac...
  4. Daytonite has passed away...

    I will truly miss her! She inspired so many of us over here. My condolences to her family.
  5. Morristown Memorial Hospital

    hey i just got accepted into the externship program for Morristown Memorial hospital for CCU and Newark Beth Israel hospital for Cardiothoracic ICU? what do you guys think is a better hospital to work with? Any suggestions?