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All Content by RescueNinja

  1. I used to like Dr Oz a lot until I realized how fake and two-faced he seems to be. He will say or advocate for something on one episode and then the complete opposite on another. I didn't see this episode, but I did see the one previously mentioned w...
  2. how did you make it through RN school!

    More caffeine pills than I can count, lots of crying, a buttload of hard work, and a little bit of alcohol.
  3. morphine,dilaudid,demerol

    We very, very rarely use demerol. Morph is used a lot, but I would still consider Dilaudid our primary drug. We go through tons of it...
  4. First year student feeling down in the dumps

    I'm kind of confused by you saying there are students in different "patterns," but I promise if you stick with it it'll eventually get better! It is unfortunate that you only get to start clinicals in 2nd year, but it's not the end of the world. It ...
  5. Job Prospects in Toronto for New Grad RN

    I don't know about Toronto first-hand but from what I hear it's about the same as the rest of the country...crappy!
  6. How do you chart verbal aggression by a client?

    I chart word for word too, but generally I do "bleep" the profanity (i.e. "s--t" "b---h" "f--k" etc). You'd have to be living under a pretty big rock not to know what those mean these days...
  7. Is it RN,BSN or BSN,RN

    I sign "R. Ninja, RN" but if I signed with my education I'd sign "R. Ninja, RN, BScN."
  8. Nurse/patient relationships after discharge

    I don't know...I certainly haven't been a nurse long enough to know everything, but this just seems like a situation that is begging for a bad outcome. I might call and check in on him, but I'd never go visit. We were always told that if you are ass...
  9. add future employer on facebook?

    DEFINITELY not okay.
  10. Pushing Dilaudid?

    During my summer job as a SN on a general surgery floor, we had one VERY FF who is one of the worst addicts I've ever cared for (hate to judge like that, but unfortunately it's true in this case). Anyway, we used syringe pumps on the floor as only IC...
  11. What do you have to wear???

    Are you allowed to wear prints with only blue & white? Or do they have to be solids? I'd hate working somewhere where they told me what color(s) I had to wear or no prints. Luckily, that doesn't seem to be an issue anywhere in my area. Actually,...
  12. heartless DON or reality check?

    I think that DON was insensitive and out of line. I hope he/she never has to experience what the CNA did. Any time I've been in a situation like that we help our coworkers by picking up the slack while they take as much time as they need to compose ...
  13. Summer job for RN student?

    Same in Ontario...except the title is Personal Support Worker here.
  14. Looking professional all day long . . .

    I would never take the time to iron scrubs. I pick my scrubs out ahead of time and hang them up in the bathroom while I take my shower. Even if they've been in the closet a little too long, it takes out ALL the wrinkles and just freshens them up.
  15. Looking professional all day long . . . is FANTASTIC to cut out greasiness if you use it once a week. I use it every Friday with my John Frieda shampoo every other day.
  16. Looking professional all day long . . .

    Like a previous poster, I have baby fine and pin straight hair and it looks greasy within hours from sweating and whatnot. I take a little bottle of dry shampoo spray with me and use it on my lunch break to revive my hair. Just spray it on and go! Th...
  17. Looking professional all day long . . .

    I hear ya! I started my first RN job at the beginning of November and Dinair was my birthday present to myself in December. That's weird...I also used MUFE HD Foundation before Dinair for the exact same reason. I'm pretty much as white as the screen ...
  18. Looking professional all day long . . .

    Dinair is your friend! Takes 2-5 minutes when you get used to it (doesn't take long) and lasts >24 hours no matter how hectic your day is.
  19. At almost all of the LTC homes I worked at as an aide, the RN on nights generally goes and sleeps as long as they have a walkie-talkie/phone. Now that I'm a RN I work nights at a LTC home occasionally and don't sleep because I can't fall asleep at wo...
  20. I agree with many of the other posts. As long as the patients are not suffering and all other duties are completed I see no problem with this. Personally, I think education is a better use of time than sitting around gossiping or reading magazines or...
  21. Will I like being an RN more than a CNA?

    I do everything I did as an aide plus a whole lot more. Now I get paid significantly more and have more authority in the care of my patients and more ability in caring for them the way I want them to be cared for.
  22. Call Bell Requests

    Pain meds, sleeping pills, etc etc Commode/bed pan & my favorite... "What time is it?" when there is a clock RIGHT in front of them and they could see it just fine earlier.
  23. POOP! What do I put on my nursing notes for poop?

    Which is probably why the OP is on here asking for help with terminology ahead of time so she doesn't have to sit there trying to think about the best way to describe it when there are more important things to do.
  24. POOP! What do I put on my nursing notes for poop?

    Unless the pt is admitted for something bowel-related/post-op bowel.
  25. POOP! What do I put on my nursing notes for poop?

    I learned about the Bristol Chart in school, but I have never seen it actually used in the real world...