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All Content by TDCHIM

  1. Dreams

    Oh sure, everybody in a stressful job has those nightmares about work, no matter what the field. Here's a non-nursing example: when I worked as a journalist, I had a recurring dream that someone had taken me to court saying I'd made up everything I'd...
  2. Total procrastination mode

    For those interested in reading analysis/philosophizing about procrastination (it could be especially interesting and/or useful to those currently procrastinating), here's a link to a piece by James Surowiecki from this week's issue of The New Yorker...
  3. Total procrastination mode

    Tell you what, iNurseUK: I'll trade you! I'll do your essay (I like writing essays - what can I say, I'm odd) if you'll do my assignment analyzing how web services can help health management information systems achieve interoperability. Booooring, a...
  4. Total procrastination mode

    What do you think I'm doing on this site right now? Trust me, you aren't the only one suffering from the procrastination bug!
  5. I care. And I make it my business to know at every doctor's office we use. Considering the health needs of my family, that's a fair number of doctor's offices. I'm probably not the average patient, but I'm not a nurse and I definitely care. There are...
  6. I strongly agree with the consensus. Employers who are abrupt and sneaky with prospective hires invariably treat their new hires like indentured servants, at least in my experience. Always listen to your gut instinct when it comes to red flags regard...
  7. What to do with severe physical limitations?

    @Jenny: If you enjoy documentation and have experience as an RN, look into the role of a clinical documentation specialist. Just plug it into google and go from there.
  8. Your dumbest financial mistakes

    AlsgalRN, I cannot express how sorry I am to hear of the situation you and your husband are dealing with. I wish there were something I could do to help. Have you consulted a financial adviser or accountant specializing in this area to be sure there'...
  9. Fired because they "can't afford me" what?

    He doesn't have to be Satan to be an inconsiderate jerk. From a straight business standpoint, it is foolish to take on an experiment like this one without the guaranteed resources to sustain the experiment for a fair trial period. For instance, when...
  10. Necrotizing Fasciitis from a PAPER CUT

    Considering that I'm heading for some sort of HIM department after I graduate, this is a thread guaranteed to give me nightmares! Good lord, how awful!
  11. Frustrated with having to work

    Why do you plan to work at that particular place for 25 years, even though you're already miserable working there? Good lord, that thought alone would be enough to make me feel depressed! To some degree I understand the desire to stay home, because ...
  12. Fired because they "can't afford me" what?

    Oh ouch. What a twerp! I assume you know this, but just in case you don't - file for unemployment immediately. Your state's department of labor site should have instructions if you aren't sure what to do. I agree with merlee; it's worth at least che...
  13. What to do with severe physical limitations?

    You could look into Health Information Management. I seem to be the local evangelist for my field, but I ended up in it for reasons that are very similar to yours - major disability that pretty much closed the door on anything in the way of direct, h...
  14. Clinical Documentation Specialist Position

    @classicdame: Here's a link to a job posting with a good explanation of what the role requires. It can be performed by either an RN with a substantial background in coding/documentation or a RHIA with substantial clinical/inpatient coding skills.
  15. Ethical dilemma at work?

    The following opinion is coming from someone studying for a degree in health information management, not nursing, so take it for what it's worth (which probably isn't much): I understand where the OP is coming from and I think Jolie raises some very ...
  16. Your dumbest financial mistakes

    I'm counting the days till I finish my degree, land a reasonably compensated job in my field, and can pay the bills without fear and start throwing money into my family's retirement and college funds. I know that sounds like a really geeky dream, but...
  17. I am not trying to defend those who pretend to be nurses as a form of self-aggrandizement. However, it seems as though some of the people describing themselves as nurses (some MAs and CNAs, for example) are doing so because it's simpler than trying t...
  18. What's your favorite

    Reclining with my feet up in my wonderful favorite chair, with semi-flexible freezer gel bags that I can drape over my feet or sort of roll up under them to help with the soreness and swelling. My left foot is really sensitive, so I can only handle i...
  19. Using Smart Phones on Your Unit

    Oh for heaven's sake, using a smartphone in a hospital is not a HIPAA violation in and of itself! As others have noted, people violate HIPAA, not devices. Just trying to ban smartphones is NOT a sensible approach. Don't kick and scream and drum your ...
  20. I'm with you, @nursel56 - that whooping cough commercial drives me nuts. The worst (national) nursing commercial I can recall is a horrible Johnson & Johnson nursing campaign commercial from a couple years ago that had the jingle: "You're a Nurse...
  21. Sabotaged at work

    I firmly agree. You are just starting your career and you don't need any sort of unresolved black mark trailing you around as you try to find jobs both now and in the future. Believe me, I understand how hard it can be to pay an attorney when you're ...
  22. Your dumbest financial mistakes

    When I was just out of college, I had some major health problems and I racked up some serious medical debt. I was working an extremely low-paying job and barely made enough to cover bills for a tiny non-a/c studio apartment in my college town. Hunger...
  23. in a vegas pool?

    I have a few nurses and nursing students in my circle of family and friends I frequently talk to, but I actually found AllNurses on my own. I enrolled in a baccalaureate-level health information management program last year and I've taken several pre...
  24. Vulvar Intraepithelial Neoplasia

    This condition came up when a member of my family was diagnosed with one of the nastier strains of HPV. She was told by the women's health clinic at her university what to watch out for, but has never seen any sign of it. That was the first and only ...
  25. Todays Most annoying pt award goes to....

    These stories constitute Exhibit A for why I could never be a nurse. I'd wind up mouthing off or leaping across a bed to throttle an obnoxious/abusive patient and end up with my photo splashed across every newspaper in the US and be described as a (f...