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All Content by TDCHIM

  1. What do I do?

    Look at it this way: High patient ratios vs. Reported low pt ratios Winner: B Lower pay vs. Higher pay Winner: B F/T ...
  2. Pt. being forced to sig form or dropped

    Even for a pain management facility, threatening to contact the police and forcing the patient to waive all rights to confidentiality is a little strong. I've been with a very strict pain clinic for almost a decade now. While I've had to sign a cont...
  3. A & P question

    I'm finishing A&P II this semester, and to some extent I share your pain - I don't always find every detail of A&P fascinating, though most of it is pretty interesting to me. Overall, I think of it as I do math. If you don't know the basics o...
  4. Are online schools frowned upon for msn?

    I firmly agree. I'm pursuing a bachelor's degree through a state school in my home state via online means. My diploma will be the same as that given to an on-campus student with my GPA. I researched my program carefully before I joined it. Among othe...
  5. What's your favorite lip product for work?

    I like the Bath & Bodyworks glosses for fun. As for Burt's Bees stuff - I don't hate it and it has a nice sort of taste, but it does feel oddly heavy/waxy compared to other options. I've found that making sure it's warm when I put it on lessens ...
  6. Just laid off!

    Oh ebear, I'm really sorry! That totally sucks. I second the suggestion of taking three days for feeling rotten and eating pizza (I also suggest a couple of rounds of your favorite ice cream or other indulgence dessert). After that, pick yourself up ...
  7. What's your favorite lip product for work?

    Honestly, I love the combo of Lorac Sheer Wash (Sheer Luck is a nice light rosy-pinkish tint) paired with Chapstick Medicated as a topper. I have problems with chapped lips, especially in the winter, and Chapstick Medicated is the best option I've ev...
  8. You love your job but they're pulling a sneaky, awful, costly (to you) move like this without so much as a form letter to inform you of the change in your status? How much will you love your job on April 15, 2011? No matter how nice your coworkers ar...
  9. Newer nurses with TOO much confidence?

    As someone with the occasional know-it-all impulse, I tend to agree with dtrmnd2sccd's notion that this individual may still be in a sort of clinical/school mode. Students are often applauded for taking the lead (a la "Teacher, teacher, I know the an...
  10. Another nurse bites the dust due to facebook

    Exactly so. There's no way you should ever accept someone from work as a friend on your personal Facebook page! If you must, set up a "professional" page for those folks, but keep your personal page separate and well-guarded with privacy settings - a...
  11. Is this a Bad Evaluation?

    This isn't limited to nursing, trust me - it's corporate BS and it is everywhere. They're basically butchering a statistical concept in order to justify limited raises. The general idea is they're applying a "normal" curve to your staff population, a...
  12. Pell grant approved but...

    Does he already have a bachelor's degree? Is he starting from scratch, with no university credits, or does he have previous hours from a degree he hasn't completed? Does he have any previous school loans in default or in forbearance? I believe gender...
  13. Is Walden Two your bible? (Just in case anyone is curious.)
  14. I'll throw in another reason at the root of obesity for some people: pre-existing physical disability. Take me for example: I'm 5'3" and about 180 lbs. I HATE being this heavy. I never was until I blew out two disks in my lumbar region during my e...
  15. Marleyna, that is an excellent point. Why shouldn't obese people be given intensive, sustained assistance to overcome the problem? I mean, if the biggest argument against those who are obese is that they end up raising everyone's insurance rates beca...
  16. Literacy: A good quality in a unit secretary

    That's just the thing - I would expect a unit secretary's job to be fairly stressful and demanding! I don't understand how it couldn't be. So I'm really confused as to how someone who is illiterate could A. land a job like that and B. possibly do a j...
  17. I feel really, really sick after reading that story. It must be agony to watch your child die - but to steal the medications easing the pain of his illness?? How could any parent justify such an action? How horrible for everyone involved.
  18. Have you ever been told

    I'm studying health information management and will sit for the Registered Health Information Administrator exam when I graduate. It's an expanding and fairly cool field, but somehow people always seem to think we're the people who have those jobs yo...
  19. Literacy: A good quality in a unit secretary

    My God, I don't know what to say. How could you POSSIBLY be a unit secretary and be partially or fully illiterate? That's crazy! If literacy isn't already part of the job description, it should be, and the literacy test should be a non-negotiable. Th...
  20. Have you ever been told

    Wow, that's completely ignorant. Even before I (a non- and never-will be-nurse) wandered onto this site, I was aware there was a lot more to nursing than "doing what the doctor says" or "wiping people's butts." How sad and scary it is that people ar...
  21. Confidentiality

    Er, I think some clarification is in order for this post. OP, did you perhaps write this when you were tired?
  22. I don't see any harm in dressing up for Halloween, as long as it isn't something that is going to impede work. For instance, a full-bore costume or a mask? Probably not. Dressing up as the Grim Reaper in any health care setting? No way! But something...
  23. Primary household earner?

    Right now I'm in school (HIM, not nursing), so my husband is the breadwinner. He's a print journalist, so we run our household on luck, second-hand clothes, and coupons. Once I'm done with my bachelor's degree, I'll make at least what he does now and...
  24. "under the table"

    I'm sorry you got your hopes up, and I know how frustrated you must be - trying to find a job in a lousy job market and thinking you had something good finally happening, only to have things turn out like this. Nevertheless, I agree that you escaped ...
  25. offended....

    Would you rather be seen as a big doormat? In any kind of setting, healthcare or otherwise, if you don't set limits, people will walk all over you. I understand that you haven't been there a terribly long time, but every day you work there is going t...