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All Content by Mantibob

  1. Agency vs. Travel Nurse Company

    Excuse me for what might be a stupid question - but, is there a difference between an agency and a travel nurse company? I am still a student nurse so am not fully clear about these things. My impression is that they are one in the same. Correct m...
  2. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Thanks for getting back to me on my question about Thailand. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Do you think I could "travel nurse" to the states - say six months a year - and be able to live the remaining 6 months on the income? Are the...
  3. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Thanks for getting back to me on my question about Thailand. Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Do you think I could "travel nurse" to the states - say six months a year - and be able to live the remaining 6 months on the income? Are the...
  4. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    Does anyone know of any nurses who are traveling to the US but living in Mexico? (Or any other low cost of living country) Here is my thinking on this. One could live in a country with a low cost of living and travel and work in the US, or where ev...
  5. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    NurseHardee - actually if you travel daily you can get a special pass and you go through a special car lane and all they do is look at the pass in your window and wave you through. No stoping or inspections or anything. Very easy. Very pleasant.
  6. How Much Are You Worth Per Hour?

    Thanks for the info. Would your husband be willing to sell me a soft copy of the contract and I could modify for my own uses? You can PM me or post here with your answer. thanks
  7. How Much Are You Worth Per Hour?

    Wow! this sounds great. Do taxes kill you? How would I write my contracts with the hospital? Are there boilerplate contracts I can follow?? Thanks
  8. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    WOW!!! 35,000!!
  9. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    Interesting!! I wonder what the Ukraine is like??
  10. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    Good Point. I had not thought about the border being closed.
  11. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    Sorry, Where is BKK?
  12. Travel Nursing from Mexico

    Thanks for the info Zacarias. I was thinking south of Tijuana on the coast just 30 to 40 minutes from san diego. There are hospitals in Chula Vista, ten minutes from the boarder, 20 minutes from the area I am considering. You can own a house over ...
  13. Are the hospitals really cutting back on support staff. I just do not understand the mentallity of the hospitals. You got these large hospital groups with CEOs , board members and administrators making millions in salary and bonuses and perks and t...
  14. Anyone struggle with this????

    Suzanne, Have you been able to read my post to you from today. (Nurse Anesthetist area). If you can respond, I would really apreaciate it. Thanks
  15. Future Kaiser Students?

    Is it easier to get accepted to the Kaiser CRNA program if I become an employee of Kaiser? Do they have seats reserved for Kaiser nurses? thanks
  16. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Wow, you have sparked my curiosity. If you dont mind could you go into detail on your reasons for moving to Thailand. I am at the age now that I have to start thinking about retirement. Its still about 15 years away but I have nothing saved up and...
  17. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Great! Thanks for the ideas. I will check into shadowing a CRNA.
  18. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    I just noticed under "location" you are listed as Bangkok, Thailand. Is this where you are from or are you currently living there?
  19. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Sorry if I left the wrong impression. I do respect DOs. My current physician is a DO. I believe it is a little easier for non-traditional students, (old folks like me), to get accepted to a DO program than a MD program, although still very difficu...
  20. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Good questions. You have to understand that at my age, (ancient), I probably have friends who are RNs. Also have a friend who is MDA and believe you me I have done a lota research and asked a lota questions before I got into nursing. I already kno...
  21. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Is residency really that long for DO??
  22. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

  23. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Good points about age!
  24. DO (school) in anesthesiology or CRNA school

    Wow, I did not expect this kinda response!! Thanks for your comments everyone. Much appreciated. I will do more research.
  25. Any nurses from Puerto Rico?

    Is it any easier to get accepted in a CRNA program in PR? Thanks