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All Content by KristeyK

  1. 12 hour shift clinicals

    Lucky for those of you that have a choice! After our first semester of clinicals, we ONLY do 12 hour shifts. It's actually OK with me. It means a couple weeks at the end of the semester will be available to study for finals coming up. WOOT! (AND I on...
  2. Nervous about clinical placement

    Concentrate on what it is that is triggering the nervousness for you and figure out WHY it causes you to be so worried about the rotation. If you can figure out your trigger, you can reason (or think critically, lol) with yourself as to why you shoul...
  3. Nursing School Tests

    Well, do you know FOR SURE that the class averages 95%, or is this from what other students have said to you? I've found that other students tend to exaggerate their grades. (Just a thought for you.)
  4. I just failed nursing school

    Find out if you can repeat the class. In the meantime, meditate and clear your head for your other final. You can do it!
  5. How to deal with Overbearing Obnoxious Classmate?

    Has anyone tried to approach her in a non-confrontational manner yet? There is a GOOD chance she doesn't realize what it is she is doing. I'd say to give her the benefit of the doubt and figure out a way to approach her. HTH!
  6. would you work more hours for a better job?

    The cut in pay sucks, but I'd still do it. Better hours, you KNOW you'll get to go to class...(In my program, attendance is a HUGE thing!) I'd say do it.
  7. Do your own homework please...

    Sometimes it's the "OMG HELP ME!" questions that end up being really helpful for a LOT of others too though. For instance, last semester during med-surg I could NOT get electrolyte balances to save my ever-loving LIFE! It happened to be a 6 year old ...
  8. Confused! Environmental Hazards Project

    I don't know what your instructor would want, but I can tell you mine would HAMMER us for combing the risk for injury and poisoning. Any of the ones I've had would want to see those as two separate dx's. But yeah, I'd go ask for some clarification. ...
  9. Just starting out

    Another thought for you....if you want to go BEYOND a BSN, you could always get your two year degree, then do a bridge program to get a MSN. (Depending on what it is you'd want to do with your advanced education. Some areas require a BSN to awarded, ...
  10. baby and nursing school

    How about this for an answer? KUDOS to you if you can do it! I have a son who is almost five, and it's a handful. I could not imagine having a younger one while in school. However, being 40 myself and dearly wanting to adopt a sibling for my son, I d...
  11. Younger Nursing Students

    I wouldn't sweat it too much. My class is pretty well planning the birthday party for a classmate who turns 21 the week we graduate. I think it's fun having younger people in the class, it keeps ME young!
  12. Do you ever....

    Don't you DARE! Unless, of course, you oggle the abs first. :redpinkhe
  13. I want to be a nurse, BUT..

    I was kind of like you, only I would flip out about the thought of having to see or handle someone else's sputum or feces. I just finished my fist semester of clinicals, and I was pleasantly surprised by the fact that neither one grossed me out like ...
  14. Im panicking =[

    It seems foreign because it IS foreign! OK, at least it was for myself, and my 30 classmates. LOL. Don't panic, you'll do fine. Just realize that part of nursing school is reprogramming your brain to learn how to "think like a nurse." (Critical think...
  15. gaining weight in nursing school

    Keep in mind I've only done 2 semesters, but I have managed to lose 17lbs so far. WOOHOO!!! I find that I spend more time "snacking" on water than anything else. OK, I really snack on baby carrots and cucumbers. (I sprinkle the cukes w/ some lime jui...
  16. Time you spend for homework and studying?

    Depending on the workload, I average about 4 hours a day, on NON-clinical days. I'm already learning about nursing 12 hours a day while at the clinical site, that's enough for me. Now, if I have a paper due, that's a different beast. I tend to put ...
  17. Studying for finals is anyone else with me?

    Nope...finished finals the week prior to Easter. UGH!!! Did fairly well on them though. YAY!!! I start my next semester on Monday. EEEEEEEEEEEK!
  18. Nursing doesnt define you

    I love how so many of you are creative types. (And how so many of us gravitate towards quiet moment opportunities! lol) I am getting ready to start my 3rd semester of RN school, so right now, nursing does define me more than I would like it to. Howev...
  19. Hop in and help a nurse with another patient if she is doing something you haven't seen yet. If we're signed off to do it, ask if you can do it for her. As someone before me has already mentioned, you facilitate your own learning. This same instructo...
  20. I PROMISE I am not trying to sound snarky, but why aren't you covered by your school? I think it's odd that they tell you to get it.
  21. Em- you would be amazed at how little it actually bothers you. I was TERRIFIED of having to be around someone who is vomiting/coughing up sputum/having diarrhea. TERRIFIED. It ended up not being an issue until I left the room. (And then the only time...
  22. Don't let yourself get sucked in by BM'ers and DG'ers

    LOVE THIS!!! It is not only true for school and work, but life in general. Seriously, how many of have BM'ers and DG'ers that we know in our own neighborhoods? lol. Frankly, I think something I see as an adversity is an opportunity to learn. If ever...
  23. Do you have your clinicals in the hospital?

    I'm in a for-profit school and we aren't part of that scenario. We did our first semester at LTC facilities. From here on out, we are in hospitals. And yes, my peds rotation next semester will be at an actual peds unit. (There aren't any stand alone ...
  24. Withdraw from nursing 1 or stay in?

    I hope you stick with it. I BOMBED anything relating to the respiratory system in Med Surg. I have since brought my grade up to a nice, solid B. (With the added bonus that I a little light bulb FINALLY light up in my head and I "get" resp. now. WOOHO...
  25. I go to ITT-Tech...

    I love the opinions of others who sincerely believe what they do about for profit schools. Sure, there are some bad apples in the bunch, the same could be said for some CC's and universities out there. I was told the waitlist at the CC I did my pre-r...