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All Content by KristeyK

  1. expelled for academic dishonesty

    Then why even take the chance of having the phone ON YOUR DESK? Sorry, but to quote Forrest Gump here, "stupid is as stupid does." NO ONE in the right minds has anything on their desk that would make it appear as if he/she were cheating. Heck, in my ...
  2. currently a community college student..

    If you check under "region" there's an area for Arizona schools, and TONS of threads on the MCC system. It sounds like grades may be taken into consideration, but honestly I haven't read many of those threads as I am a Tucson area student. Good luck!
  3. Life-altering as in "oh S***, what did I get myself into?" yes. lol. OK, I didn't really think that until cleaning up after a pt. with C-Diff. :-P I hope you're like many of us in that you'll love it once you get going.
  4. Will I be able to pass the NCLEX-RN test?

    Go get some NCLEX exam prep books and start using them. There are also books out there regarding test taking strategies. I would get one of those too.
  5. Supplies?

    If your school uses those stupid scantrons, I highly suggest a TON of #2 mechanical pencils. Otherwise, plenty of paper to take notes, printer ink and paper, a good calendar (or whatever it is you like to use to keep life straight, lol.) I have the ...
  6. Falling short

    I'm still a student, and WANT to work in Peds, but as a parent who has a child who spent quite a bit of time in the hospital thanks to a birth defect, *I* thank you!!! Not all nurses show the level of caring that you do, and for those of us parents w...
  7. Even though you have to go to summer classes, I'd consider that a blessing. The fact that the student/instructor ratio is lower says a LOT to me. Congrats on getting in and good luck!
  8. Foley Catheters

    Inserting a Foley isn't as scary or gross as you have it built up in your mind to be. For me, my big fear is the day I have to experience the aroma of a GI bleed. (However, I am hoping since I was able to overcome the scent of C Diff without retching...

    I haven't done it for nursing, but that's because books are part of my tuition where I attend. However, in my previous degree- I ONLY bought books online. In fact, I bought the international edition if it was at all possible. They were the EXACT same...
  10. Worth it or not Smartphone

    I'm one of those grandfathered into the AT&T unlimited. I am ALWAYS on my phone using my apps, and I don't come close to even using the amount that would be allowed by a more restricted plan. Unfortunately, I wouldn't save ANY money by going to a...
  11. What makes med-surg class seem hard to you?

    My patho class was at the same time as med-surg. That being said, it wasn't the patho AT ALL for me. I let something as stupid as getting hung up on electrolyte balances throw me off the ENTIRE semester.
  12. As little as I can get away with. I LOATHE feeling like a kangaroo. I keep a pen, a sharpie, a penlight, my pt. info sheet and a VERY small notebook, but I usually just tear out a page or two from it.
  13. Overwhelmed....will it always be like this?

    You've already gotten some GREAT advice. I have several books that I have not even cracked open yet. I swear by taking notes and using power points. I spent my first three weeks of school wanting to cry and/or quit because it was SOOOO much. Then we ...
  14. INR (international normalized ratio) help!

    Think of it in the amount of time it takes your blood to clot. Lower numbers mean that it's clotting faster.
  15. accepted into the nursing program---now what

    No one doubts you being ready for the challenge, but really, the taking time off before school starts is some advice I REALLY wish I had taken!!! My program slams us for two years, and the longest break we get is two weeks over Christmas. I REALLY wi...
  16. how far is your clinical?

    My hubby and I chose to live out in the boonies, so I literally pay for it. LOL. School itself is a 55 minute commute each way. Two of my clinical sites this semester are only 30-35 minutes away from me, another is an hour. I'll take it though...I li...
  17. question about stethoscopes

    I had to use my friend's master classic II for a check-off, just use a little more pressure and you'll hear what you're supposed to.
  18. For the love of God- is this even right?!

    I am willing to bet a large amount of money that they cover nouns and verbs due to the fact that so many people lack writing skills. I took some online classes and my jaw would DROP at what my classmates would post for their class assignments. Horrib...
  19. My school includes one set for school and one set for clinicals. I ended up purchasing extras just because I do NOT want to worry about laundry in the middle of the week, I ave enough other non-school related stuff to do during the week. (Plus the sa...
  20. Tell me I'm not alone!!

    I haven't made it YET, but I have incredible support. I also remember that I am in this for the long haul, not just a few years of school. KWIM? I do have intense mommy guilt, but I think of how much worse I'd feel if I didn't make it. All this time ...
  21. What to buy/read before starting nursing school!

    I have a REALLY good planner that I live and die by. I have an NCLEX review book that I'll use when I need extra help studying for a subject. Beyond that, I just have a hard time staying organized, so that would be my suggestion, get whatever you nee...

  23. rounding up grades

    No rounding here either. You either get 77.0% or higher or you fail the class. My clinicals are counted as a grade though...WOOHOO!!!
  24. Stethoscope Question

    I'm still a student myself, BUT... I started off with a VERY affordable cheap stethoscope. It was AWFUL. We saved and I have a Littmann Cardio III now. What a difference it makes!!! I've since discovered other more affordable brands out there that al...
  25. Studying Issues

    I take notes off of the reading I do. For some reason, if my hands are occupied, I am more able to retain the info I just read. After I am finished with the readings, I will make note cards based off of my notes that correlate with the power points m...