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All Content by KurdMA

  1. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    amylush, thank you! i really appreciate your compliment! red rose, i mean purple rose, thank you as well. yes, be hopeful and don't give it up unless someone pays you million dollars or you win the lottery. just kid :-) nonetheless, i thought about ...
  2. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    purple rose, congrats!!! replace that sad face w/ a happy face, pl--lease! y'all should be proud of yourself! also, congrats to all those who got into some kind of alternate list and those who got accepted into a nursing program at ohsu, ccc, mt hood...
  3. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Really??? I believe that is a very good sign that you are accepted, otherwise why would they even bother calling you? I am sure you are in, no need to cross any fingers on your part :-) CONGRATS !!! Wish you the best of luck with getting into Ashland...
  4. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Purple rose, Thx for following up on me! Yes, I am feeling much better! Still waiting to hear back from OHSU and CCC. Hope to hear from them sometime soon. I wish you and everyone good luck as well!
  5. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Thanks for calling and passing on the info! However, you mean "May" correct? Not "April" ??? Thx!
  6. Oh MY GOD!!! I WANT TO WORK HERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    LOL !!! Thanks for sharing !!! Loved it !!! I am signing up :)
  7. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Purple rose and Traveler2bee, you make me think to myself and say "I am glad I joined this site!" Thanks for making me feel better, I wanted to shoot myself when I got my second rejection letter:crying2: But now after reading your posts, I feel much ...
  8. Acceptance letters????

    Strike two for me, received my denial letter from MHCC today My luck is down to OHSU and CCC. We'll see I guess.
  9. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Purple Rose, :tku: for the info! I am hoping I get in somewhere as well. I received my denial letter from MHCC today:crying2: That is strike two for me, my hopes are down to CCC and OHSU as well. Hopefully I'll have a littel luck in one of these scho...
  10. Acceptance letters????

    Just thought to pass the info on... Someone from one of the other threads stated that for those who are still waiting for their MHCC letters, they are going to send those letters out today (Monday) or tomorrow (Tuesday). Wish me and those that are s...
  11. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    By any chance, does anyone know when CCC will send out it's letters? I thought someone said it will be end of May to beg of June???
  12. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    Thank you... thank you... for the update! Nothing in the mail today for me. Hopefully I'll receive something tomorrow and it will be good news and NOT a REJECTION LETTER. Stop saying that! I am very optimistic :-) At least I try to be.
  13. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    pdxMHT, When I read your msg, I thought it was one I wrote prev... LOL !!! Because I am on the same page as you are. Recieved my denial letter from PCC couple of days ago, and have not heard from MHCC yet. In addition, 2010_Student is driving me cra...
  14. Acceptance letters????

    Hi Y'all, Strike 1 for me !!! Received the denial letter from PCC My hopes are now down to MHCC, CCC, and OHSU. I have to say, I was no where a 4.0 GPA. You know... I never counted to see how many points I have, now that most of y'all mention it, I ...
  15. Acceptance letters????

    2010_student, sorry, forgot to congrat you, so, CONGRATS and I wish you the best of luck at the interview!!! Everyone else, Also congrats on your letters of acceptance !!!
  16. Acceptance letters????

    2010_student, when is the date for the interview if I may ask?
  17. Acceptance letters????

    amen :)
  18. Acceptance letters????

    Portland Campus :-)
  19. Acceptance letters????

    Portland campus :-)
  20. Acceptance letters????

    Yes ... 26 days or 624 hrs or 37440 mins or 2246400 sec to go :redbeathe Can't wait! As you can see I am counting down the days as well, hopefully we will hear something good
  21. Acceptance letters????

    hi all, i got an e-mail from ohsu, i just decieded to copy and paste the e-mail for y'all to see :) this is an informatioinal email only. please do not reply to this message! april 5, 2010 dear kurdrn, thank you for applying to the ohsu school of...
  22. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    hi all, i too got an e-mail for ohsu, i just decieded to copy and paste the e-mail for y'all to see :) this is an informatioinal email only. please do not reply to this message! april 5, 2010 dear kurdrn, thank you for applying to the ohsu school...
  23. Applicants to PDX area Nursing Schools 2010

    hi all, i too applied to pcc, mhcc, ccc, and ohsu ocne program, but haven't heard anything yet. i am waiting very anxiously and it is my first year applying! i am hoping to get lucky the first time around! please wish me good luck! please let me know...
  24. Acceptance letters????

    hi all, just joined this site! i find it very impressive. one can gain lots of info. first of all, i would like to extend my warmest congratulations to all those that have been accepted into a nursing program here in portland oregon :yeah:and i wou...