christi britt

christi britt

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About christi britt

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  1. Faking high FSBS?

    What happened to swabbing the prospective site with an alcohol swab first and then allowing it to dry? Would this not solve your problem?
  2. bladder suspension-medical necessity?

    If you had access to a bladder scanner, that would be magnificent. You could have the pt urinate, and then scan the bladder to see if he/she has problems with retention. If the problem of leakage is related to retention, there are meds such as Flomax...
  3. Pre-pouring or Preparing, That is the Question

    Yes, most VA hospitals do this same thing. They have a premade med cart that they take when they make rounds. Of course this cart is locked when not in use. The only concern would be possibly giving the wrong meds or envelope to the wrong pt. This is...