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All Content by MissIt

  1. Does anyone know if BSN graduates from UNC can apply for a PHN certificate? I'm confused about this. I had never heard anything about a PHN certificate until today. Thanks!
  2. PLEASE give me a Radiation Oncology Nursing overview!

    I went into radiation oncology after 9 months on an inpatient medical oncology floor for pretty much the same reasons you're doing it. I loved, loved, loved it!!!!!!! So much patient teaching and you really get to know the patients because they're ...
  3. LTC in Northern Virginia?

    I'm sorry, I know nothing. Just wanted to say Hi. We're moving to Arlington in July. I'm a little worried about job prospects there too. Here I have such a good network, there I don't know anyone!
  4. Refresher Course

    Have any of you done a preceptorship when it wasn't required by your refresher program? Did you just go to the hospital and ask?
  5. That sounds like exactly the kind of program I would like to do. Thank you for this information. Now I just have to find the right program! In the meantime, I'm doing flu shot and travel vaccine clinics. I've kept my license active and have done ...
  6. Want to have a baby

    I graduated from nursing school ten years ago, worked for about 3 years and then had a baby. I went back part time at first, then took some time off and had two more babies. Then volunteered some and am now getting back into actual paid nursing wo...
  7. For those of you who have gone back, was it hard to find a job? Did you return to your previous specialty?
  8. Thank you all for responding. I am finding that I'm second guessing myself on everything, even things that aren't difficult. I just have to build up my confidence, I guess. Probably time will help with that. I really like the idea of doing a refr...