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All Content by MissIt

  1. Hi there. Do any of you have experience giving Avonex injections to patients with MS? The package insert suggests deltoid and thigh as good sites. I've had one patient who wanted it in her arm, but two that want it in their dorsogluteal muscle. T...
  2. Question about Avonex injections for MS

    Good thought! Thanks for your help. :)
  3. Question about Avonex injections for MS

    Do you have patients who successfully do ventrogluteal self injections? I have one that would really benefit from some site rotation, but doesn't have anyone to help him.
  4. If you weren't a nurse what other job would you like to do?

    I'd be a hospice chaplain. One thing I want to do, in addition to my "main" job is write. I started writing a book, but just didn't have enough quiet time with three small children running around. What I wrote didn't make any sense because I could...
  5. Looking for a mentor

    I think finding a mentor and/or shadowing is a wonderful idea! I just called people who I thought I would want to follow. Or you could ask one of your professors to give you a referral. One of mine hooked me up with a nurse in the senior center in...
  6. What about something like a pulmonary and/or communicable diseases type floor-- you'd learn a lot about TB, HIV, etc. Or peds. I'd think about what population you most want to work with-- women, children, adults, geriatrics-- and see if you can fin...
  7. Flu Clinics in Northern V.A.

    I was wondering if anyone is planning to staff flu clinics this year (or have done so in the past) and, if so, what company you plan to work with. I am going to be new to the area and am hoping to find a job doing flu shots this year. I saw that In...
  8. Flu Clinics in Northern V.A.

    Thank you. I hadn't heard of 7company before. I really appreciate your help!
  9. Job Interview

    Congratulations to both of you! I am really looking forward to hearing how you like public health.
  10. looking for my dream job...

    Are you already a nurse? What about a career in health education? I do think that the majority of the teaching in nursing is going to be one on one, but lots of nurses go back to school and get master's in nursing education. Other areas that do a ...
  11. I think it might be useful to do some hospital floor nursing just to get started so that you can 1) get your feet under you in nursing, become more independent in your practice, learn more and 2) be able to get a job in community health. Hospital pe...
  12. When I was first working in the hospital, I worked on a medical gerontology floor. There was a lot of overflow non-gerontology type patients too. Something like that might be a good next step.
  13. First Aid Question

    I think it's a new thing because all of us in the class were nurses and we all kept forgetting during the 'practice your skills' bit and taking off people's shoes. LOL Also, they said that if you can't check the pulse and whatnot, you can still che...
  14. EKG

    I saw this one on Craig's List. Don't know if it's a good company, or not, but thought I'd share. http://www.doctorshelp.org/Workshop_Training.html
  15. First Aid Question

    I just took an ARC first aid class a month ago. They said don't remove shoes. And she told us that they no longer recommend compression. It's Rest, Immobilize, Cold, and Elevate if it isn't too painful. You immobilize the ankle and foot by using ...
  16. I read all of these stories on here about awful docs/nurse managers/NPs, etc. I have had such wonderful luck with the people I've worked with. The NP I'm working with now is the most selfless person I've met in my life! You're right, it makes a hu...
  17. EKG

    Sorry! If I hear of anything, I'll post it, but that's all I can think of right now.
  18. EKG

    I would look at Northern Virginia Community college Northern Virginia Community College or maybe the American Heart Association
  19. Pain meds & VS

    I think it depends on the patient and the med. Has the patient had it before; did they have any trouble. How recently were vitals done, have they been stable during the admission. Pain can make your vitals off anyway. If it's something that you e...
  20. My first degree is in biology, I was a lab technician at a couple of places. Honestly, if you're not going to get a graduate degree, you'll probably end up making a little less in a lab than you would in nursing, but part of that is that in nursing y...
  21. Another question from me! Talked to him today, site feels great. Yay! However, this is a medication that gives him "flu like symptoms" after administration and he said that these side effects seemed to be intensified. My first thought was that ma...
  22. I did it! I think I did it right. He said it didn't hurt, so that's great. My biggest trouble was cleaning it and then remembering exactly where I was supposed to go since I couldn't touch it when it was clean. One quick question-- I found the tr...
  23. Old nurse needs math help!

    So, first you want to know mcg/min. 130 pounds = 59.09 kg 8 (59.09)=472.73 So, your order is for 472.7mcg/min or 0.473mg/min or 28.3mg/hour (60 minutes) Then you want to know how many mg are in each ml. 400/250 So, 1.6mg/ml So now you know there a...
  24. Thank you for your response! I am so nervous about changing technique, but it does seem like this is a safer site.
  25. And while I'm asking questions about injections. I've seen on several sites that you can give the ventrogluteal (hip) injection with the patient sitting down. Can anyone talk me through that? Thanks!