

Home health was tops, 2nd was L&D

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All Content by BrookeeLou_RN

  1. Technically a pass is a 3.0GPA. Some schools will not accept a 3.0 and some will not accept WGU. If you lan on more than MSN I would suggest you contact the school you are interested in and get their standing. On the other hand many big names schools...
  2. preemployment drug screen

    I agree the longer you wait the more suspicious it looks and you could lose the job.:)
  3. ADN to BSN experience?

    I have read posts on here about Aspen University, supposedly according to Dean of college no pre-reqs and very affordable. but it is RN-MSN program, no BSN. Of course no need for BSN if you have MSN. I like WGU, I had to stop for family reasons. But ...
  4. burned out

    You might like home health.. with a good agency!!! Administration is administration eveywhere. But being out in the field all day gives you control. You can sometimes pick who you want to see when.. yes some patients are fussy but many are flexible. ...
  5. Too sensitive to be a nurse?

    Being sensitive about your pets dying or members of your family dying is to be expected. I do not think this would be cause for concern as a nurse. Yes, you will be sad and may even cry if a patient dies but your bond to a patient is different. Not b...
  6. I Can't Make a Decision!!! Help me Please?!

    Do what you feel most comfortable, but don't worry about resume. I vote for office jobs as your kids need you.
  7. Why do we continue to do it?

    Simple question.. why do we continue to do it? Certainly not the money? Absolutely not the FUN? Why do we keep being nurses? Well better yet, why do we keep working as nurses? What would they do if we stopped?
  8. Why do we continue to do it?

    Exactly.. If i could get into case management, I could do that. But even with my experience It is still untouchable for me..or Staff development.. that is my ultimate job.. but again never been able to break into it. And no I am not willing to get MS...
  9. Nurses receiving poor care....

    I will speak up not to get better treatment but to receive the correct treatment. Once, in for kidney stone, my boss realized when he visited how sick I really was (I was infection control nurse at the time) when I said nothing about the dirty laundr...
  10. Why do we continue to do it?

    I am impressed with your answers and feelings. With the large number of posts on AN from nurses lacking satisfaction, I was not sure I would hear such positive answers. Of course nurses have never liked lack of respect, unfair wages, dangerous staffi...
  11. Why do we continue to do it?

    I started because it was good money for 2 yr degree, I loved helping people and making a difference. When I got burnt out, I changed into another area. I was good at it and loved it. Then I found it was not so much loving it as it was a job. I made a...
  12. We may need fewer nurses in the hospital...

    This could have happened any where in USA also and does on regular basis, especially for uninsured/under-insured. Mandatory coverage sounds great but if one can not pay then what?? Healthcare, welfare, food stamps etc all need to be overhauled but ...
  13. Email follow-up letter after interview

    Sorry, but the art of hand-written letter sent via the Postal service is still alive. And I find, when time allows, sending such a thing brings huge results.. People are impressed and usually quite tickled to have received an old-fashioned letter.
  14. Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

    I just wanted to let people know that when you call Aspen University they explain the AS degree gets you into the RN-MSN program.. you do not have to meet the liberal arts requirements for the new RN-MSN program,, the web site explanation of credits ...
  15. WGU definately, UoP is way much more $$$$ and consists heavily on group projects, meaning you have to corrdinate with others all of the place and rely on their work towards your grade. Not my cup of tea.. Of all the research I have done WGU 's only ...
  16. Nurses receiving poor care....

    Sometimes, telling them you are a nurse is good, sometimes not..sometimes I tell them I am an attorney(if they tick me off)
  17. Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

    Aspen University is about $7200 for RN-MSN, and I am told with a AS degree in nursing and current license you get into nursing right off, no pre-reqs, AS degree is your pre-req. All online, 2 starts a month, CCNE. And you can even ask to have the DEA...
  18. Home Health Care or Not???? (lpn)

    I love home health. Have been in mansions with servants and provided care outside of a tent and everything in between. Makes it challenging. But my most challenging is when I entered in middle of large drug deal, did wound care, smiled nicely when t...
  19. Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

    Not to be pessimist but I have never ever heard of any school requiring the student to do all this figuring. Typically they look at unofficial transcripts and simply tell you what they will accept and what you still need. And yes most evaluate unoffi...
  20. Band 7 interview pending

    You made a FUNNY!!
  21. Need Help

    My opinion is to drop it and be glad you are out of there. Honestly you made a med error and they will say that is why they fired you! Were they mean? Yup. Were they wrong? Depends on which side you are on. Employers can talk all they want. So who wo...
  22. Need Help

    I am so sorry for what you have had to go thru. I know you are hurting and disillusioned, who wouldn't be? Even though it hurts very bad it is better to be out of there as like I originally said they would be watching your every move just waiting for...
  23. Relocation Situation

    Sorry I have 23 yrs exp from staff to Management and the market where I am has bottomed out.
  24. Anyone else hate the online job application process??

    If I knew that I would not be looking for a job:clown: Sometimes I think I know but obviously not:D
  25. What does "+++" mean in narrative charting?

    When I have seen it.. it meant several. But it is not on any approved list by any place I have ever been and documentation should be such that no one needs to guess what it means. I mean really is it that hard to write "several" or "multiple".