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  1. ER Nursing HELP!

    Thank you all for giving up so much for the information!! /kudos all round. Is there any key differences? I know some hospitals have differences in the US based on the kinds of equipment / money they...
  2. ER Nursing in Australia HELP!

    Thank you so much for the information. Is there any key differences in the day to day life? e.g actions? I know some hospitals have differences in the US based on the kinds of equipment / money they...
  3. ER Nursing HELP!

    Also I am fully aware that this should be in the international thread but I want to know what other US Nurses think / know about
  4. ER Nursing HELP!

    I really need someone to help me here. My wife is a fantastic ER nurse, and she loves being an ER Nurse. If she were to die today, "ER Nurse" would be on her headstone. But there is a problem. She is...
  5. I really need someone to help me here. My wife is a fantastic ER nurse, and she loves being an ER Nurse. If she were to die today, she would be on her headstone. But there is a problem. She is...