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All Content by Tarabara

  1. How to apply out of state?

    I'm asking this in the nursing discussion section because I'm hoping for responses from people who have already been through the process. I am still a student and dont graduate until December but I'm starting to look at areas I want to apply for jobs...
  2. NICU is the best!!!

    Well unfortunately the days that classes are for lactation education are the same days as my clinicals so I cant do it. But they said they'll be offering the classes again in september so hopefully i can do it then. Honestly I really didnt even get ...
  3. ASU potential nursing student

    ASU did make changes to the application process, but there are no interviews. Your application score to get in is your GPA plus TEAS score. The GPA used in your application score is a "select GPA" meaning you chose 13 of your 17 pre-reqs to calculate...
  4. MCC or ASU?

    oh ya and I forgot to add that you can actually apply to ASU's program before you're completely done with pre-reqs. You have to have 13 of the 17 done before applying, as long as you can complete the other 4 before actually starting the program. Of c...
  5. MCC or ASU?

    I am a nursing student at ASU, I'm not sure what you already know about ASU's application process but there is no waiting list. Instead of a wait list, in every application pool the top 60 are accepted. Applicants are listed by entrance score with is...
  6. NICU is the best!!!

    Thank you :) I just got an email from my school today saying they are offering classes to be a certified lactation educator. Should I do that? or is that more for L&D?
  7. Psych Clinical

    I had my psych rotation last semester and I had all the same thoughts you're having. I was really scared about just talking to people too because I can be very shy at first. At my facility they had a big room where the patients eat their meals and al...
  8. School nursing

    I'm a nursing student in peds/community health rotation right now and part of my clinical experience will be at an elementary school with a school nurse. Can anyone please help give me an idea of what to expect? I dont think i've had very good person...
  9. School nursing

    Thank you for your responses! KatieQ, what kinds of basic info should I look up in my text or online? We've just learned about giving medications and feedings through g-tube, and i had a lot of diabetic patients in adult health so i'm fairly comforta...
  10. Out of shape, how can I prep for clinicals??

    I was worried about this too before my last semester. I too am way out of shape and i really wasnt sure if i'd be able to handle 12 hour clinical days, but I actually surprised myself and did fine, i even still had a lot of energy after! I think beca...
  11. Excited for psych clinical!!

    I'm really surprised your psych rotation isnt until your 5th semester! I just had my psych rotation last semester (my 2nd semester) and I really think it should be during first semester because it really helps with learning how to communicate. Like o...
  12. Moral/Ethical Advice

    Wow I am shocked at how many people are saying to let it go or that its not the OPs business! That is truly sad to me If the student in question really is writing her own papers why in the heck would she tell the OP that she wasnt? That makes absol...
  13. While I agree with some of what you said, I do want to add that we are suppose to tell pts their vitals when we take them because its important that our pts are active participants in knowing about their health. If this is a new pt to you and you tak...
  14. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    dutchessca you should really call CONHI student services since it seems everyone else has already gotten their letter for Spring '11. Also you said you got a C in A/P 1 what about A/P 2, Micro, and chem? you only have to use 3 of the 4 sciences in yo...
  15. Mac or PC for ASU nursing students

    There are some programs used in nursing that are made for PCs but they almost always have something compatible for Macs too. There are many people in my class who have Macs and get by just fine, however, i think it'd be easier if you got a PC so that...
  16. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    You should start on the same day as everyone else at ASU unless the first day is on a thursday. if it is on a thursday then you most likely wont start until the following monday. But we usually get done a week earlier than everyone else which is grea...
  17. Worried about oral presentations!!!

    I hate public speaking too but luckily so far in nursing school i've only had to do it twice, and both times it was a group project which is a lot easier than speaking by myself. The more you do it though the easier it gets, Im much better at it now ...
  18. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    I'm currently a Jr 2 and we did not teach ourselves how to give injections, we spent a whole day learning them and practicing. I just gave my first IM injection yesterday and I felt very prepared for that. There are a lot of things we do have to teac...
  19. How can anyone really decide

    It sounds like you've already given this great thought and really looked at both options, so while I agree with above posters I wont go into the difficulties of med school. I am currently in nursing school and too am considering med school. My though...
  20. Advice for those new RNs looking for jobs

    I have a question about applying for out of state jobs, I would be willing to travel for interviews but only if I actually have a fighting chance at the job. Its too expensive to travel for interviews if its just a long shot. So how do I go about it?...
  21. Advice for those new RNs looking for jobs

    Thank you for the advice! We'll need all we can get!
  22. Why I love allnurses ... seriously

    I am a member of SDN too, mainly out of curiosity and I was floored at how rude they are! They dont even think their own classmates/colleagues are worth a darn, much less than nurses or anyone else "below" them. It really made me so upset because I d...
  23. Days you are glad you are a Nurse

    I like this thread, just wanted to bump it back to the first page :)
  24. May '11 grad in KY wanting to move to phoenix

    I agree with the above poster who said that if you have a job lined up in KY take that for a couple years before moving. I live in phoenix and its really hard right now to find any job, not just nursing. As far as the weather here though I love it, I...
  25. Disappointing First Clinical Experience

    I do NOT think that I am above these types of tasks, and I completely understand that the hospital and staff where we have our clinicals are doing us a favor by allowing us to be there and therefore I am definitely willing to help. I have helped with...