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All Content by Tarabara

  1. help with dementia patient please!

    He seems to kind of go in and out of confused states. Sometimes he says the most random things, like when I asked him how we was doing he said, "i'm ok, but I cant fly today". Or he'll talk about things that obviously happened a long time ago and say...
  2. Orienting woes!

    I'm sorry but I dont agree with those who keep wanting to give her more and more chances just because she might be scared and intimidated. I'm not even a new grad yet, I graduate in Dec. but I'm 3 weeks into my externship this summer and I'm already ...
  3. Funniest/strangest dementia patient stories

    One of my dementia patients LOVED to eat, all he'd want all day long was food. One day a nurse handed him a cotton ball to wipe off his finger after checking his BS and he said "oh thank you!" and popped it in his mouth, the nurse said "NO! that's co...
  4. God, my feet hurt!

    If you cant afford to get specialty shoes yet (like me) you can go to walmart and get inserts for like 10$. I did that and its helped a lot.
  5. First patient death

    Thank you everyone for your replies, its nice to have such a supportive community here :)
  6. Next time you come on here asking for homework help please at least give your thoughts first. We're here to help, not do it for you. There are a lot of factors with this patient, low O2 sat, bleeding ulcer, pain, DM, drinking, you had to have some id...
  7. New grad NICU program

    Does anyone know of any states and/or hospitals that have new grad programs in the NICU? I'm in Arizona and there are NO new grad programs for NICU at all in the state. The 2 major childrens hospitals with level 3 NICUs havent hired in years. I know ...
  8. Describe the Ugliest Scrubs You Have Seen!

    Oh man i havent laughed that hard in a long time, thanks for that!
  9. ASU Nursing Program Spring 2011 hopefuls

    I'm pretty sure everyone would agree with me that the first day/week is very overwhelming because they bombard you with a ton of info. Just know that this is going to happen and try not to let it stress you. You dont need to remember everything they ...
  10. New grad NICU program

    Thank you for the responses. I am currently a volunteer in postpartum at a hospital near me. Unfortunately though the hospitals arent hiring in arizona in NICU at all. A friend of mine has been a volunteer in the NICU for 2 years and knows a girl the...
  11. Did i do the right thing?

    I wanted to add just so you know, PRN means "as needed". PRN meds are meds that arent taken on a regular basis, they are only taken as needed such as a tylenol for pain.
  12. New grad NICU program

    Thank you SO much!! I am very willing to put in the work to search for jobs but its so helpful to have a place to start so i really appreciate the info!
  13. ASU Summer of 2011 applicants!

    Congrats to all those who made it!! :) And for those of you who didnt, dont give up you'll make it too! I am about to finish my Sr 1 semester (im in class with tttt) so any questions you guys have about the program, dont hesitate to ask :) Take full ...
  14. For those of you who are certified in CPR?

    No you would not be demonstrating on an actual person, just dummys. I would bring a pencil or pen and maybe fold up a blank piece of paper in your pocket just in case but i dont remember needing to write things down because they gave us a booklet wit...
  15. MCC or ASU?

    hey wannabenurse, sorry for some reason i didnt get an email that there was a response to this thread until candice wrote. To add on to what candice said, the 2 B's in english may hurt you but as long as the rest of your 13 pre-req classes are As you...
  16. Anyone graduating Dec 2011 ?

    Really?? December seems soooo soon to me, the fact that im going to be a real live actual nurse in less than a year is so scary! Sometimes I feel like im just playing pretend :/ hopefully i'll be ready
  17. One Born Every Minute (nurses seem to sit around a lot)

    I have seen the commercials for this show and I cant figure out is it suppose to be real? like documentary of real life events or is it suppose to be more of a comedy like scrubs?
  18. NICU is the best!!!

    I have always been interested in working in the NICU but after having my first clinical experience there I am absolutely IN LOVE with NICU nursing!!! :redbeathe It was amazing, I loved the little babies, and all the nurses, and the atmosphere. After ...
  19. NICU is the best!!!

    Thank you, I appreciate it :) and I wish you luck in finding the area that you will love :redbeathe
  20. NICU is the best!!!

    gee N1colina, thanks for the support and encouragement. I wrote my post right after I had just gotten home from the best day of clincals I had had in nursing school and was happy. Of course there will be parents, there will be worried/sad/angry/upset...
  21. I'm actually surprised that all the responses were people willing to do the OP's homework for them. Many of us have had similar assignments where we had to interview a nurse, just because you dont personally know one is not an excuse to get your answ...
  22. Anybody NOT feel like it's taking over?

    others have said this but I will reiterate, stay on top of things, plan ahead, and dont get behind. During the first week write down when all exams/projects/assignments are due for the whole semester so you always know when they're coming up. and if ...
  23. The VA VALOR program for nursing students

    I too am applying for the VALOR program and would like some advice/info about the interview process. thanks
  24. wow looks like I'll need to brush up on my interviewing skills! Just curious where are you guys applying? I'm applying for the VALOR program in Arizona
  25. 1st day clinical. I know nothing? is this normal?

    Unfortunately that feeling will last most of nursing school, but the good news is you're definitely not alone. I'm in my 3rd semester and I still feel like i know nothing during clinicals sometimes. I think its partly just because you're in a complet...