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About phyrenrain

Mom, Dane owner

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  1. overtime pay

    Some facilities use the 80 hrs/2 wks rule and others go weekly. You need to look up your facility's policy and procedure on this. The q 2 wk thing is ridiculous!
  2. Moisturizer Question

    When we have pts. w/dry, scaly, cracked skin, the docs will order Eucerin, and sometimes a mixture of Eucerin and Vaseline. I don't like the vaseline part of it simply because it's a petroleum based product. I see huge improvement w/BID use on pts....
  3. transgender nurse (transvestite)

    Agreed, Kevin. If their was a true identity crisis and this person wanted to transgender, you would think there would be no waffling with dress....
  4. transgender nurse (transvestite)

    Can I answer that one???? USMC, I think you and I both know that any variation from the commonly accepted sexuality carries with it a HUGE stigma of those people being highly sexual by nature. In actuality, it's not the case at all......
  5. transgender nurse (transvestite)

    Does ANY pt. feel "comfortable" with ANY healthcare professional caring for their "private areas???????" :angryfire PUH-LEEEAAASE! You, Nursecathy, are not being objective. As far as the treatment this person will receive from other staff, don't y...
  6. transgender nurse (transvestite)

    Nursecathy, I don't know what area of the country you live in and really it shouldn't matter. "Misrepresents their sex?????":uhoh21: I couldn't disagree with you more. It's comparative to saying someone can't be a good nurse because of their sexu...
  7. Can you believe this?

    As nurses, the saying about the customer always being right does not always hold water. Sounds to me like "nurse abuse." If the pt. had a family member and their own cigarettes, then it may be a different story if she was going out in a WC. Anothe...
  8. my feet are killing me!

    I don't know what city/state you're in, but there's a store called the "Good Feet Store." Their products are a Godsend. I have invested (and I do mean invested, the products aren't cheap, but well-worth the cost) in a pair of arch supports that I w...
  9. personal belongings of patients

    In the consent signed preop by the pt., it specifies that our facility is not responsible for lost items such as dentures and hearing aids. Nope, not nursing's responsibility, we have enough to be liable for, don't you think???
  10. Is this correct?

    Why a "big no no??" Just in case the pt passes out??? Just curious?
  11. Taking out the trash

    We, as nurses, do a lot of things not in our "job description..." I agree with the general consensus, if the trash is full, I take it out. It's just the right thing to do. None of us on our floor have it as a mandated duty, we just do it.....
  12. How many nurses do their own vitals???

    Sadie, had a dangerous experience a long time ago when I gave a BP med to someone who was already hypotensive and I didn't know it:imbar . Since then I ALWAYS check pressures before giving BP meds.
  13. How many nurses do their own vitals???

    Good for you NURSEKATYDID!! I'm an LVN and I can't stand to see nurses abuse the CNA's and techs! Glad to see you stand up for yourself. It's a different story if nurses are actually busy doing pt. care, but.....
  14. How many nurses do their own vitals???

    I work in a rehab unit, we do our own vitals. On nights, if there is an aid working, the PP floor or med/surg floor will pull that aid to do vitals or I/O's even when they are very well-staffed and sitting on their rumps....Pretty pathetic, huh?????...
  15. We have a "grid." Not many are happy with it, and it's not always followed. More often than not the already-strapped staffing grid is reduced....