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All Content by JustaMaleRN

  1. Is it true that a BSN will be mandatory soon?

    I'd be estatic if we had continueing education requirements across the states. If that were consistent between states, then there would be better support for advancing the level of education. Especially if they allowed CEU credits to be issued by t...
  2. IV's- nursing or medical decision?

    I know when I worked at LUMC in the ER, we just line and labbed everyone. Drew a rainbow off of the IV catheter and had them ready. Everyone had either a lock or a 0.9 tko. The only ones we didn't touch were the obvious walking "wounded" who were ...
  3. Can I hear some positive things about nursing school?

    the majority of my students have been 2nd or 3rd career students. they have all done exceptionally well. they have a maturity that does not appear in those going into nursing from high school. they are able to communicate better with the faculty, ...
  4. I'm sick to my eyeballs of incompetent agency nurses.

    That's alright, I am tired of coming in to work an agency shift, and have to deal with family members who are pissed at the staff, and take it out on me. I love being a nurse, so much so, that I am continueing my education as a nurse, and also teach...
  5. No More Demerol IV Push???

    We have used demerol for rigors or if there is another contraindication for use of an alternative medication. We have 25 mg vials in Pyxis, but any larger amounts are kept in the narcotic vault in Pharmacy.
  6. About to give up on being a nurse

    Do a quick web search...here is what I found. This organization is connected with Monster.com. They help people find educational money. Grants, Loans and Scholarships. Just fill out the questionaires, and they will give you a list of programs you...
  7. "Don't waste your time getting your BSN..."

    Getting a BSN is a personal choice. If you believe in evidenced based practice and current research...you would go after a BSN. WHen you consider that a ADN is about three years, you might as well just stick out that fourth year and get the BSN. Li...
  8. What's the weirdest baby name?

    Lets see...We had Yeashure and his sister Donnit, last name Figgures. The capper to all...a very cute girl by the name of Shithead. Prounounced ShI-THeeAd. You know these kids will wreak their revenge on their parents for this...and then probably c...
  9. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    Its O.K. I feel the same way. I dislike self-proclaimed experts. That is one of the reasons I have followed this case. We have seen "experts" perjure themselves as they write out afidavits on this case, without seeing the pt, examining her or rev...
  10. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    Interesting, I never saw even half of these problems in dealing with terminal patients in palliative care/hospice. I have been fortunate to witness some of these brave, wonderful souls pass on. They are not suffering, especially not to the point yo...
  11. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    There is a difference when it comes to family law. Our legal system is based on the fact that men are the only ones that count, and that women and children are chattel, property. As gross and disgusting as that may sound, that is what our rule of l...
  12. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    The ironic part of this is that he won't have a red cent left over. The vast majority of the $1 million was spend on her care for the past 15 years. Come on people, we know what healthcare costs don't we?
  13. Artificial feeding-Terri Schiavo

    Listening to all the issues and commentary about Terri, I have a good feeling for what the husband is going through. He has attempted to fulfill what he felt were Terri's desires. He has been twarted the entire way by her well meaning, but misguide...
  14. Most dreaded Dr.'s orders

    FOS=Full of Stool or Full of SH&%...depends if you are talking about a patient or an administrator/physician...just kidding! DHT is a Dobhoff tube. Small bore feeding tube. Clogs easy, pulls out easy and is very easy to sink into a patient's lu...
  15. Potassium piggybacks

    Our standing orders were to add 1 amp of lido to each bag of KCl. We were fortunate to have great standing orders written by one of the more progressive cardiology groups in the Chicago area. You can check with Midwest Heart. I believe they are loc...
  16. old skills that we do not use anymore

    You forgot about the ashtrays in nurses station. I remember being able to smoke in the hospital. Nurses smoking with their patients, some of them passing medications with a cigarette hanging out of their mouths. I will say that I am glad we don't ...
  17. Most dreaded Dr.'s orders

    My favorite Neurosurgeon ordered that we get a 300+ lb patient out of bed and ambulate him. Mind you, he just had a crani for a tumor that returned, he had been using a wheelchair for the past two years, and didn't have the strength to walk, let alo...
  18. Foreign Objects in Body Cavities

    Life in Chicago is never quiet. I have a collection on my office shelf...they came from the oral box, not the booty box. I have two pool balls. A patient came in on a Friday night, he tried to put a pool ball in his mouth on a bet. He managed to g...
  19. Not feeling to good about a co-worker

    We have a right to work in a NON-HOSTILE work environment. This is why people died for Unions and LABOR LAWS. It is about time everyone stood up and said "I am not going to be abused by you!" Get a new job Bull*&^$#! Get a new boss. If he...
  20. Not feeling to good about a co-worker

  21. Nurse Educators, Introduce Yourselves!

    Just starting my first gig as a nursing instructor in an ADN program. I will be one of the clinical instructors for a M-S 2 course. Hoping to find my niche, and hopefully a new home!
  22. The Guys Club: Guy Students Come on In!

    Well...graduation from University of Phoenix with my MSN in 5 days and counting! YEA!!!!! Now...on to the PhD...
  23. D5 0.225% saline question

    I have to agree with you. Sometimes the exercise of critical thinking is its own reward. I have to look at things from a practical viewpoint. I have spent too much time working with surgeons and worrying about fluid/electrolyte balance and hydrati...
  24. I wish I had a nickel for........

    Sounds like my favorite. Get a call that they are bringing in a respiratory distress patient. Have a Critical care room prepped, vent on standby...usual stuff for asthma season. Patient come in on a gurney, no O2, looking as perky as a daisy after...
  25. D5 0.225% saline question

    I know in critical care we consider it hypotonic. We worry about Neuro patients getting too much of it. Brain cells can't handle too much hydration, especially when your fluid/electrolyte and compensation systems are screwed up by a head injury to ...