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All Content by ejm99

  1. 2 nurses arrested in CA.....

    Whoa nelly! I most certianly DO want bad nurses who make mistakes that cause people their LIVES out of the healthcare profession. I don't know about Prison? but know that I don't want EITHER of those...
  2. Discarded babies

    whew... while I didn't LIKE the word choices of the whole "garden variety pychotic" statment in relation to the posters view on abortion I respect her/his right to have those feelings. Even though I...
  3. Male nursing students/nurses

    I think it's awesome. We had a handful of guys in our class.... they all seemed to enjoy what they were doing and we really benefited from their unique perspective (as compared to the 36+ girls).... I...
  4. child care problems

    Warning bells are going off w/ the whole "some parts of the contract will not apply to you" statement. If they don't apply they shouldn't be there...or at the very least crossed off and signed on by...
  5. Heavy menstrual bleeding...

    I just wanted to bump this for an update...been thinking about the OP and wondering how this situation is? and thank those that shared the Atkins/South Beach connection....I recently had the same...
  6. child care problems

    I've done in home daycare...and it ISN'T easy. This is REALLY REALLY long so forgive me...or if your not bored skip over it...lol Sure there's a woman in every neighborhood that has 18 kids running...
  7. I don't know much about this.....it wasn't really brought up in my first year of school and since I left at the end of that year I"m not up on the research or risks etc.. but CAN tell you "our story"...