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All Content by ejm99

  1. I'm a nursing student, LVN student that plans to transition to an RN after I get certified. I hear these same complaints from the Nurses we work with in Clinicals often. Unfortunately hospitals are...
  2. Commuting.....Need advice!!!

    No way. Not for me at least. I HATE traffic. I'm in LVN school and wouldn't even apply to the other locations of my school because I knew the commuting would be a dealbreaker for me. I took a...
  3. I'm not a nurse but do have a yr of nursing school under my belt. My brother and his wife recently had a baby...both parents are deaf due to childhood illness (so that wasn't a concern w/ the baby)....
  4. Texas Children's in Houston?

    I did my peds rotation for HCC"s ADN program there...and the nurses were GREAT...even the dr's were great..but there is from my experience a definite chain of command thing in place.....we were not...
  5. Anyone in Houston?

    I went thru a year of the ADN program at HCC. I left due to a serious family illness but w/ good standing and a solid "B" gpa. I left because they are very much a cliquish and politic's type...
  6. 13yr olds having babies.

    Child birth classes...oh my that brings back memories for me.....I was 22, when I found out I was preg....my bf of just over a year...the one who had JUST began talking MARRIAGE...left me the moment...
  7. 13yr olds having babies.

    Just wanted to offer my well wishes and hope for an
  8. Woman refuses CS, charged with murder

    This is EXACTLY what I thought...but not only about the prosecutor but also about the MEDIA in general. How often do you turn on the news and hear a story then flip channels and hear the same story...
  9. Would you assist in abortions?

    I just saw on the news about 3-4 days ago that there is talk about making the "morning after pill" available OTC! I'm not so sure that's a good thing to do..... I as I said am pro choice and have had...
  10. Would you assist in abortions?

    I'm in agreement w/ elkpark. but playing devil's advocate....it's not a well known fact but Roe from Roe v. Wade, the PIVOTAL case that made history and abortion legal for women has crossed sides and...
  11. maybe yoru right...but if it were ME....I would do whatever necessary to keep my license. Especially since your being given a CHANCE....now it's up to you to decide whether you want to take it or not....
  12. I"m not a nurse yet.... but my first semester of clinicals was in a nursing home. I was assigned a Great nurse and Lvn team and they had me doing ALOT of skill work, care..things you just don't get to...
  13. hmmm... how do I feel about this... well I agree...the "ole boy" network of doctors more often then not sheild their own from scrutiny and possible consequences of their actions... but it doens't...
  14. I think that's about the norm from what I hear...$200 per child for night care.. but if you have more than one kid....your SOL unless your pretty well off and in that situation I think I'd RATHER have...
  15. Hippa violation?

    You can bet that your business is now being aired all over the city as well. I think that you did the correct thing by asking her flat out about HIPPA.... and her response indicates that she doesn't...
  16. Well excuse my ignorance...

    I think specialized nurses sometimes forget that they were once not so specialized. Seasoned nurses too. I was treated pretty well by the Nurses on all my rotations while in clinical...all were very...
  17. provocative undergarments

    ewww... I get pretty icked out when I see girls wearing no bra's or their thong sticking up out of their jeans when I'm shopping or running errands no less in a professional work environment. Oh...
  18. child care problems

    I agree w/ this as well....it comes down to the fact that it's up to the provider to make her decision on this. I've done both...paid and unpaid holidays...dependant on the parents work benefits...if...
  19. I think because Vegas is a 24 hours city....you can pretty much do anything you'd normally do during the day at night.... the 24 hour daycare is more accessible. If Houston suddenly decided that...
  20. How Long Is This Supposed to Last??

    Mine started at the end of Jan...I was sick the entire last week..dont remember a thing about the WHOLE week... it lasted almost 2 entire weeks..then I got better...yea..kinda. so I started up and...
  21. PA catheter Quiz

    Your going to LOVE this.. I've had almost a year of nursing (ADN) am about to go back...we did NOT cover much in regard to this type of nursing AT ALL....and I havn't been in school since 2000...nor...
  22. phenomenon in advanced alzheimers

    My step grandfather did this after a severe stroke. Everyone was talking about him going to rehab and all that and everyday I could see him getting WORSE....I was in nursing school and asked why the...
  23. Marijuana and Breast Feeding ????

    I think this is a no brainer. Your mandated to report so you must. It doesn't matter that it's a family member or not....it's your job and part of your licensure so do it..even if it's from a pay...
  24. Divorce & Nursing

    I am in total agreement. and have to revive this topic because it's one that will never be outdated. My situation is simple...I have a dh of 6yrs, 3 kids... I love my dh but think he drinks more than...
  25. Problems at Home.....

    I also agree... My dh is very much against me returning to school which is a huge issue for us....but I thought and thought about it and I talked to him about how our income would double almost triple...