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About RickiP

RickiP specializes in med/surg.

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  1. What to do to Get Ready!

    Wow, thank you SO VERY MUCH for the in-depth reply. I am a planner (ok, obsessive) so this helps me a lot! Thank you!
  2. What to do to Get Ready!

    I just learned today I've been accepted to a Fast Track (18 month) RN program, beginning in August! Trying to keep this short-and-sweet: I work 3 12hr shifts as a CNA per 2wk pay period (that's minimum for benefits & tuition). Hubby works full-t...
  3. GCC weekend program!!!

    AZSamantha, it was extremely helpful info for me (I printed it out and put it w/ my school stuff!) because I just want to know as much as possible! I appreciate your thoroughness! kss, thanks for your feedback don't want anyone getting in trouble....
  4. glendale community college nursing program

    Anyone in the weekend program, can you tell me how long your wait was?
  5. Oh boy, yeah now I see CA programs up top. go me. SORRY!!!
  6. Aehtela... in Arizona. Uh-oh, am I mixed up? Didn't even think of another GCC out there... :imbar
  7. GCC weekend program!!!

    I'm posting all over the place for info on GCC weekend program schedules :) hope nobody gets mad at me. I just finished prereqs and think I'd like to do this program. Childcare will be a major concern- I'll have 4 kids when I start (due w/ this bab...
  8. glendale community college nursing program

    Thanks for posting about Thursday nights! I'm looking to apply here and would love AS MUCH INFO AS POSSIBLE on realistic schedules. Childcare is going to be my major, major concern.
  9. Congrats to you all on getting in... I just finished w/ prereqs and am looking to apply here. Can you give me more info on your schedule (when/if you know?) I was going to apply for Scottsdale's Accelerated programs since I am a SHC employee, but h...