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  1. Math Nerveous

    I will focus on the Dimentional Analysis, I freaked out after hearing that you can get kicked out the program if you score below the 90% on math test.
  2. Math Nerveous

    What semester of your program are you in? I don't know what to expect as far as math goes, but in lecture does the instructor go over dimentional problems with the students? or do they expect you to come in the program knowing all the med conversions...
  3. Math Nerveous

    Thank you guys for such great feedback, although I've always tried to avoid math, I know that now is the time to polish up and bite the bullet!
  4. Math Nerveous

    I start my program this Spring at TCC South. Math is my weakness points, does anyone know if calculators are accepted at med conversion test? and do we have to memorize measurement equivalents like: 240ml = 8oz or 1g = 15gr and converting temperatu...
  5. Broward College New Student Advice - Study Now?

    I will be starting at South Campus this Spring, i'm very nervous because I'm still having problems with medication conversions. Do you go over math conversions as a class lecture at all? Thank you :)