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About star840839

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  1. Stay away from Walden University

    Btw. I graduate in November and have already received calls from places interested me (ACNP) and well aware that I attended walden.
  2. Stay away from Walden University

    OP is absolutely false. Even a lot of brick and mortar schools require their students to find their own preceptors. I have all mine lined up (takes some work and networking) but found that my preceptors and health systems were excited to have me le...
  3. Mistake Right After Orientation

    (Sorry,accidentally posted too soon). At work the other night I was talking with an icu nurse with10+ yrs experience. The best advise from her was that everyday she still comes to work worried about how well we will do. People (the public, doctors, o...
  4. Mistake Right After Orientation

    No one is perfect and there will Keats be mistakes, even amongst the best
  5. Congratulations LBIHN! Go out and enjoy your day and celebrate!! Im assuming I didnt get in as I did not receive an email....oh well - I supposes this is a reson to go out at least!
  6. I know....I feel as if my life is on hold waiting for this decision! The cmte met on Monday, but when I called on Wed. decisions still had not been made. The graduate school will apparently both email and send out letters when they receive the deci...
  7. For MSN program - Called last week, said we would know April 12th...Called Tues and they said we would know at end of month...anyone know anything yet??
  8. Sounds like april 12 will be when we find out....
  9. We're in Week 8.....getting closer!
  10. I wouldnt worry about it then....Let's keep our fingers crossed that we hear somthing ASAP....Good Luck!
  11. I check everyday as well- even on sat and sun and I know that it won't change! I would call them tmw about your transcripts just to make sure. I had some issues from 2 schools that were verrrrry slow to send them to UT. If you don't mind me askin...
  12. My main focus was what lead me to want to be a nurse and what I have done so far (classes work independent study)that will help me become a great nurse. However I think I may have blurred cnl and cns a few times. Emphasized that I specifically want...
  13. Interviews have been nixed - Was told that the personal essays were all the needed this year to make their decisions...SHould hear final word by end of the month :/ How does everyone feel they did on the essay?
  14. Anyone get a letter for an interview yet?
  15. Do you know if they send out email notifications for the DEMS program? Sorry to hear about the PA program...I didn't realize that so many people were going the PA route.....very curious to see how many applied for the MSN program this year....