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All Content by laynaER

  1. What would you make of this?

    Okay can we please not go into the whole 'don't call patients honey' discussion because 1) we've already had a long drawn out thread about it (see that thread also started by bluemorningglory) and 2) that's not what the OP came here to address. To th...
  2. In light of recent discussions around here regarding privacy, I don't think I can stress enough to keep identifying information (especially here on allnurses) to a minimum!!! I recently discovered and figured out one of the members on here that I kno...
  3. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    Well I live in city with about 8 million people so that really isn't of any concern to me. Either way, my next post, i think, didn't prove your point. These were uniformed EMTs with services ready to help someone, they were there and chose not to. If...
  4. How? Elaborate please.
  5. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    I know of one case where these EMTs were on duty, in a coffee shop having a break. A pregnant lady passes out, the EMTs do nothing after being frantically asked for help. The EMTs say "Call 911 we're on break" and proceed to leave the shop. The woman...
  6. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    I still want to know how in the heck can you be sued if you weren't even driving the car? Anybody can say 'oh yea i recognized you it was you in car.' The burden of proof is on them to probe it was really me in the car! If I say no it wasn't me in th...
  7. please help critique my resume!!!

    CuriousMe, I've always been told that resumes shouldn't date back longer than 10 years so I guess that's how you could keep it to a 1 page minimum. The reason I've been told to keep it to one page is because perhaps the prospective employer may see t...
  8. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    I agree with the poster above me because like I said before. Whoever turned that person in would have to prove it was actually an RN behind the wheel because let other people drive their car all the time. And even if it was truly the RN behind the wh...
  9. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    Haha okay okay. p.s. I agree. No way can I do 50 on the highway. People would honk the heck out of me. I do at least 65 to keep up with the pace of traffic, and yea, that's done intentionally but not maliciously. hehehe
  10. I'd much rather 3 12 hour shifts than 5 8 hour shifts. I don't think I could ever see myself working 5 times a week at one place doing 8 hr shifts. Anyhoo, a lot of the time you don't do 3 in a row maybe you can talk to whoever does the scheduling so...
  11. Our new boss writing everyone up!

    At what point will she say enough is enough. You give people an inch, they take a yard. Before long it will be, oh I was only two min late...then oh I was only 5 min...then 10, at what point do you allow her to set a standard and say ok this is consi...
  12. Nurse shot at Danbury Hospital

    OMG that's scary, lets keep the nurse and his/her family in our prayers. Yikes! This just goes to show that security is a major issue at hospitals. How sad.
  13. Is it possible to work in NY area with an ADN?

    No prob, Paco!
  14. Don't like to say I'm an RN. Long...

    I just want to add that I am appalled by some of the comments being made here by both RNs and LPNs. We're supposed to be sticking together and not degrading each other's positions. If you are an LPN and you are allowed to teach, assess, do admissions...
  15. Don't like to say I'm an RN. Long...

    to the OP you should never, ever be ashamed to divulge who you are. You an RN and you should be darn proud of it. They are LPNs and they should be darn proud of it as well. Everyone worked hard to get where they are whether they are RNs or LPNs and n...
  16. Facebook Policy

    In the past when I worked for an industry that was not nursing, I was friends with coworkers on facebook. I didn't bad mouth the company or anything, but they were definitely all up in my business and telling mgmt about my personal know w...
  17. Facebook Policy

    i'm sorry, i still don't get it. maybe i'm just dense, dumb, or slow. if my profile is private, my name is not searchable, and if it is, all anyone can see is a picture, how can the hospital find out what i have on my profile unless they send me a fr...
  18. Patient 'found' my number on the internet...

    Who said I was unhappy? Who?
  19. Patient 'found' my number on the internet...

    What does that have to do with anything? Unless you're trying to insinuate and generalize that all people from NY use filthy language around their families. Anyway, I'd pick up and tell him once that he's out of bounds and any further questions/comme...
  20. Facebook Policy

    I don't see the big deal in people knowing where you work. I'm not ashamed, it's not a secret, and that information is public info anyway. You use your name and social for your job so that information is easily accessible by anybody who wants to get ...
  21. RN on your facebook name?

    I've seen some people on facebook have RN after their name. I personally wouldn't do it, I think it's a bit much. What do you think?
  22. Is it possible to work in NY area with an ADN?

    If all of the BSN graduates are having extremely difficult time finding jobs, imagine how hard your job search will be with an ADN. The first thing out of everyone's mouth is "Do you have a BSN?" BSN graduates have taken upwards of a year to find emp...
  23. RN On-call car plates/sign on cars

    I don't think he/she meant that those who broke the law did it intentionally. Sometimes we do break traffic laws unintentionally which is what he/she is trying to say. No one is a perfect driver. I know I'm not :)
  24. ACLS certification

    Congrats to jamesconner! I'm glad you stuck to your guns, don't let people make you feel bad for doing something you feel is beneficiary to yourself. Now you have an advantage over other people. The job market is tight..extremely tight and a lot of n...
  25. Evolve HESI Book Should I or Shouldn't I?

    I bought the hesi book and cd. Complete waste of time and money. Did not help me one bit. It's a great reference book, but did not help me on hesi whatsoever. I can say that 2 questions off of the cd ended up on one of my exams. *shrug*