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All Content by laynaER

  1. North Shore LIJ Critical Care Fellowship

    What types of questions do they ask on the interview?
  2. North Shore LIJ Critical Care Fellowship

    how does one go about applying to this fellowship because I can see no info online about how to apply and I've been in person on two separate occassions and they refused to take my resume/cover letter, stating that they are on hiring freeze due to re...
  3. Recently Hired at HHC advice needed

    sorry about the double post. I just saw your response on the other thread. did you follow up after you put in the paper application or did they just call you?
  4. Recently Hired at HHC advice needed

    congrats and good luck! how did you apply if you don't mind me asking...
  5. NYP waiting list

    Hi guys, I applied for the new grad program at NYP and got an email saying that because I didn't list a preference for a specialty, I'd be put on the waiting list and the people on the waiting list will be contacted before NYP posts anymore positions...
  6. NYU, LIU and other Private Nursing colleges

    Here's more info: LIU is ranked #1 in New York State with a pass rate of 94.6%. NYU is tied with Pace Pleasantville. They rank #8 with a pass rate of 88.5%
  7. did you try calling the board of nursing for new york state? they could give you the best advice.
  8. NYU, LIU and other Private Nursing colleges

    LIU isn't a second class school. LIU is actually #1 in New York State for students passing the state board examination (NCLEX). So decide what's more important. Going to NYU or going to the #1 nursing school in New York State. At least you know you'l...
  9. Nurses dating Doctors??

    Didn't read through all the posts so forgive me if I'm repeating what's been said already but I think the policy should ban workplace relationships between anyone on the same unit. Period. The last place I worked, the whole company had a policy again...
  10. Waste of Time Complaint against me

    Don't waste your time with those fools. They need more patients or more work or something because they clearly have too much time on their hands. Just keep being you and don't let them ruin your positive attitude.
  11. New Grad Interview!!!!!! Please Help!!

  12. Having difficult time finding employment doesn't mean I don't want to be nurse anymore or regret becoming a nurse.
  13. Moved to NY from somewhere else?

    tcunurse, how long ago did you move to long island? Because I find that a lot of experienced nurses and people who already have jobs seem to be pretty out of touch with how terrible the job market is. Which makes sense b/c If you've never had to stru...
  14. Today after clinical I broke down in Tears!!:(

    The wise thing to do before you jump into any new endeavor is to do your RESEARCH. Sounds like you didn't do your research and came into nursing with this preconceived notion about what nursing was going to be like. If you think this is not for you, ...
  15. Today after clinical I broke down in Tears!!:(

    Get a pocket medbook to carry around with you so you always have something handy! I'm just curious about how you made it all the way to 6 weeks before graduation and are now realizing that nursing is a lot of science.... *scratching my head*
  16. Workplace violence

    I agree with carolinapooh, I'd cease all communication with this individual. You've reported it to the proper supervisors, let them handle it-that's what they get paid to do anyway. Just continue to do your job because if you keep harping on it it ev...
  17. Would you travel overseas for a medical procedure?!

    I wouldn't hesitate to go. U.S. has some of the worst quality of healthcare any darn way. I have insurance in another country that I am a citizen of, where there is UNIVERSAL HEALTHCARE and it is A-MA-Zing
  18. Moved to NY from somewhere else?

    LIving in NYC is extremely expensive, especially if you want to live in manhattan. In manhattan, a studio will run nearly $2,000/per month. You may want to live in the outer boroughs (brooklyn, queens, bronx, staten island [but it's really far from t...
  19. Help! New RN trying to get into Northshore-LIJ

    Yea, I've given up on them. The thing that makes me the most upset is that their system has about 10 hospitals! Which takes 10 hospitals off the list that I can apply to. Not only that, they just bought Lenox Hill Hospital in the city so they're spre...
  20. Help! New RN trying to get into Northshore-LIJ

    North Shore LIJ is on a hiring freeze to accommodate the displaced nurses from St. Vincent's Hospital that recently closed. How do I know? Because I went in person to try to apply. TWO TIMES. They don't accept resumes in person so I was rudely handed...
  21. Nurses with tattoos

    I agree with what the others said. Tattoos shouldn't dictate where you work as long as you can hide/cover them up. I have one in an extremely visible area but most people don't realize its there because it's in such a weird place. hehe I'm just waiti...
  22. Um, she already did.
  23. I've always wished I could be a wizard like Harry Potter. Hehe
  24. What would you make of this?

    Yes, and it was addressed already. There is no need to re-hash when the issue has already been discussed ad nauseum.
  25. The face of nursing is changing.

    RUBYVEE!!! Said it the best!!!!!!! That's not the whole problem but I think it's more than half of the problem!!! It's turned to a customer service oriented 'business' where the patient is always right, they go home, are mailed a survey and heaven fo...