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About pgeorge217

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  1. Northern Arizona University Fall 2017

    Hi Maddy. I will be doing the NAU/GWCC traditional cohort, with BSN classes starting in June and RN in the fall. Where will you be attending your classes in the fall? @Tay_Lynne, which college do you do the RN program at? I would love to get tips and...
  2. Gateway Community College - Fall 2017 Traditional/Day Cohort

    Hi everyone. My name is Paige George and will also be in the GWCC/NAU 2017 cohort. I will join the Facebook group as well. I am looking forward to meeting everyone. I am also interested in a study group. Is anyone in Phi Theta Kappa by chance?
  3. NAU accelerated program

    You can take the HESI at MCC. You have to pay for it at the MCC or Red Mtn campus prior to taking it, then show your receipt when you go to the testing center. Call the MCC testing center for information. The study guide is about $30 at any of the...
  4. Aggravated: Getting Bad Advice

    Sounds like the adviser needs a new job where he can put his needs before others! Is the adviser you're dealing with specifically for the nursing program or just a general adviser. At my community college we have three advisers for the nursing progra...
  5. Major issues with Chemisry!!!

    I agree with the When I took CHM last semester I always did a search on the internet for the subject matter. View all the results and find ones that are easy to understand. I found that most of the websites for children and even...