
funfunfun550 BSN, RN

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All Content by funfunfun550

  1. Petition to help new grads get experience

    Ok I now "see " the Well first of all I am glad I live in the USA where we have freedom of speech. I am NOT try to flame anyone here but as an experienced nurse AND consumer of health care.. I have some thoughts.. We ask President ...
  2. Petition to help new grads get experience

    Where is this petition>? I have a suggestion to help those that are struggling to find jobs AFTER getting out of school....but hindsight is 20/20 Work....yes work..while you are in school...and shine so they WANT to hire you at THAT institution......
  3. Need help! seniority or higher pay?

    Seniority has not come to meaning ABSOLUTELY nothing where I work. I am in the middle of the pack so my opinion is not based on having high or low seniority if anyone wants to comment. I am just curious ...does seniority REALLY mean anything anymore?...
  4. Some Info About straighterline

    That seems like an odd requirement given that I would think alot of people may be transferring in credit there.. I think there is a job out there for someone to either help legislate or hand hold persons that want to complete their RN to BSN.. I have...
  5. getting my prerequisites done?

    what do you mean by transfer limit?
  6. Ohio University Online FNP.. can they legally do this?

    Keep us posted.. I was thinking of going for the FNP @ OU...somebody there needs to slow down and take each student seriously instead of continuing to take peoples money without a thought for how it is impacting their lives...I imagine there have bee...
  7. Ohio University RN-to-BSN Program

    As far as I know the partners DO NOT get a discount..they might have used too Can anyone weigh in on this>?
  8. Some Info To Share......

    That makes sense
  9. Some Info To Share......

    Accreditation issues>perhaps...they really got their self in over their heads and are more about numbers if you ask me..
  10. Nursing programs in Cincinnati area?

    Dont even bother applying if you have a 2 year and dont already work there
  11. Today's Dr. Phil shocker: Nursing home abuse

    It just isnt fair how some people treat those caring for their loved ones but no one has the back bone to stand up to them!
  12. Need online math credit

    Anyone know which Statistic class through Aleks???
  13. Statistics outside OU?

    I saw where someone posted about Stats @ Rio Salado...are they exams proctored>? Can you work at your own pace>>>
  14. Cheap Online courses to take Pre-reqs for ABSN program

    Did you find a class? I would be interested in knowing what class you decided on..
  15. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    It was recently brought to my attention that a charge nurse on our unit is using "BSN" credentials on her business card that is located on the counter with the managers etc cards for patients and their families to pick up. Sadly another nurse with a ...
  16. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    What a quantum leap...find another job? Because BSN shows up on a business card of someone who does not have BSN? Hmmmmmmmmm..........that is not remotely what I am asking here. I am asking what I should do.......Nothing it appears from those that ha...
  17. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    I just wanted to see if anyone would let it go........I knew there would be flack from those thinking I have something to gain from this. I don't. I really hope it was a typo........but I am afraid to say anything to anyone about it. I did tell the p...
  18. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    The person who is upset about it has a BSN and was passed over for a promotion that was given to the nurse that has"BSN"(falsely)on busineess cards since the promotion(Yes BSN is a requirment for the promotion) Yes its all fishy.........
  19. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    She works not a new hire..........she does NOT have a BSN and is not even accepted into a BSN program. Another management level person pointed it out........I saw the cards...........
  20. Using BSN credentials(not a BSN)

    She is not even in the BSN program yet either.........