

Emergency Dept, M/S

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All Content by RedSox33RN

  1. how should this situation be handled?

    Of course she didn't mean to stab her on purpose, but who the he** plays with an insulin syringe and "pretends" to stab someone, obviously with the cap off? That's equates to more than dumb.
  2. Did you have to speak at your pinning ceremony?

    It would be an honor to do so, and if I'd been asked, I probably would've GONE to my pinning! lol As it was, we only got 2 tickets to pinning and 3 to graduation. I have 4 kids and my parents and boyfriend (now fiance) so I gave my tickets to othe...
  3. RN license issued in error

    I think I would want some answers too! I'm sorry this happened to you, and hope it is resolved soon, with a satisfactory explanation as to what happened and what they are doing to correct it.
  4. HOPKINS: 20 minutes into the show

    I ended up changing the channel. I don't care about what the docs go through with their marriages and relationships. Everyone in every field goes through the same stuff maybe not because of the working hours, but for many reasons. I didn't find th...
  5. how should this situation be handled?

    Thank goodness she was fired! I can't imagine working with a co-worker who thinks playing around and poking co-workers with sharps is "fun" or "playing". There is a time and place for everything - a sharps definitely isn't "it" and like others said,...
  6. Computerized charting in the ED

    We use Emstat also, and while there have been some 'tweaks' they've needed to fix, I think it works really well. The timers are great and really are helpful for team nursing, when we are getting toward end-of-shift, we can all see who has timers run...
  7. Co-Workers Read My Medical Files

    Echoing everyone else's comments. And if my facility didn't take action against those employees, I'd also be seeking legal advice from an attorney. Your medical history is between you and your doctor and any other healthcare provider that needed ac...
  8. Strange things found on (or in) a pt.

  9. Strange things found on (or in) a pt.

    Just recently I had a pt with a vibrator in his rectum......still running! We could hear it and feel it running while palpating his abdomen. Poor guy was soooooo embarrassed.
  10. Dress Codes for the ER

    I was just having this conversation yesterday with a patient of mine, who is a retired RN, but started at the facility I am at now about 45 years ago. She asked if our scrub colors meant different things - like blue for RN's, color's for Paramedics,...
  11. Will I get my temp license in time?

    I guess that depends on how soon you get your transcripts. I got mine several weeks before graduation, and it took about 2 weeks for the BON to process. If your school doesn't give them out before graduation, I'd say you probably would not have eno...
  12. Will I get my temp license in time?

    Same thing applies. A temp license number is issued and available on the BON website. Employers can and do check the website to verify. I applied for the temp, but nothing is received paper-wise. NH I believe is totally paper-free!
  13. Will I get my temp license in time?

    Unless it has changed since last year, as soon as you pass the NCLEX, you can go to the NH BON site and print out a copy of your license number. NH doesn't issue paper licenses any longer. MA does, but not NH. You will be able to see your license ...
  14. Transfer at change of shift?

    We're a huge busy ED, and I can say that our pts 'go up' to the floor when we are notified by the bed placement team for the hospital that they have a bed. So, we have no control over when they go up at all. It all depends on when pts upstairs are ...
  15. dispensing medications

    We don't dispense any meds in our ED. We have many, many uninsured pts who are always looking for 'samples', and many don't believe the we don't have any at all. I feel badly, because I know a lot are unemployed and/or uninsured, but the best we ca...
  16. New to Er...Feeling a little incompetent

    I've been in the ED since December, and up until last week, we did not have preceptors. We were with someone different each shift, and in different zones (large ED), but we did not have our own patient load either. We also had classroom time every ...
  17. Last Name on ID Badges

    Well, during my short ED career so far, I've had one patient a few weeks ago that was repeatedly pawing at me and asking me for my last name while triaging and getting vitals on him, because "you're just so darn cute..blah, blah, blah". I even happe...
  18. At my job, we are offered classes each month for our CEU's as LNA's. We were at one the other day for some psych training, and we were asked what we wanted to be doing in 5 years. Myself and another woman said that hopefully we be all graduated and...
  19. I was unable to find FT work in ANY area as a new RN in NH or MA, just lots of per-diem work. However, NC seems to have a pretty good shortage of RNs. We use a lot of travelers - more than the hospital wants to.
  20. who does your casting and splinting?

    Our ED techs normally place splints on, then the pt is referred to within (hopefully) 24-48 hrs for further eval and casting. A bunch of us RNs just had an in-service on splinting, taught by none other than one of the best techs we have!
  21. Fellow RN died this morning.

    I'm so, so sorry to hear of your friend.
  22. How do hospitals offer jobs?

    In my experience, the bigger hospitals that have nurse recruiters actually handle the official offers of employment. I interviewed with the ED manager, and even before I flew back to my home state (I moved for the ED position), the nurse recruiter f...
  23. Announcement-From_RG, Any Parents or anyone else!

    congratulations!! baby, baby!! :dncgbby::dncgbby:
  24. CEN exam tomorrow

    No advice, since I'm no where near that stage yet, but the CEN is a goal of mine. Best of luck!!
  25. Flu Cases

    And gee whiz, guess what I woke up with this morning??? Cough, fever, body aches, chills......just what I needed!! lol