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About PeaceLove88

Recently licensed RN

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  1. Oncology nurse turned L&D nurse!

    Wow it's been so long since I have been on this site! So great to be back!! Last time I was on here, I was a new grad looking forward to working but really bummed out that I could not find a position. Fast forward 2 years and 8 months later, I have ...
  2. Interview next Monday!! What are my chances?

    No problem!! I also wanted to post a thread I found on this forum that had about 30 interview questions but I cant seem to find it. You can try searching "Interview questions" within this forum and alot of similar postings will come up. Make use of ...
  3. Interview next Monday!! What are my chances?

    First of all, CONGRATS on scoring an interview! I know its a tough market out there. I think that you have a good chance as any other "new grad" because I dont think the hospital would have scheduled an interview with you if they didn't find somethi...
  4. Does make you a better nurse?

    i havent officially started working yet, but i feel that this forum has answered many questions ive had on my mind, whether or not it was asked by me or by others. i am extremely greatful that i came across it during my preparation for the NCLEX and...
  5. Night shift and Oncology unit questions

    Hey Everyone, So I finally landed a night shift position and I have a few questions about this shift. 1. Is it difficult to stay awake during the night? 2. What methods do you use to prepare beforehand? 3. How alert are you at night when taking care ...
  6. Yea i know! I actually landed my first interview and job just last friday. And Ive been looking for about 3 months
  7. I agree with elk and bk, as I was a new grad looking for an RN position for the end of the summer into the early fall. The job market is ridiculously competitive and I had no choice but to have a longer break than expected because it was so difficul...
  8. The nurse recruiter and manager definitely discuss the interview they had with you and compare their opinions with each other. Dont work yourself up on it while waiting for their decision and try not to assume youre hired as well. Just relax and be ...
  9. Phone Interview

    Hey guys! So I will be going for a phone interview sometime this week and I am pretty nervous. Has anyone been on one? What kind of questions do they ask? I know its a quicker version so I feel like it might be straight forward. Please let me know!! ...
  10. Any hospital hiring new grads? anywhere in the country?

    Does anyone know of any hospitals hiring RNs with no experience in the Northern NJ/NY area?
  11. RN turns barista...

    I really appreciate everyone's responses and extremely valuable advice!! I am definitely considering applying to group homes and short/long term care facilities. I realized that I really can't follow that typical hospital job right after graduation t...
  12. RN turns barista...

    OK... so after reading other posts about new grads not finding a job, I don't feel so bad anymore. So thank you everyone for making me see that I am not alone in this! It is such a heartbreaking thing for me to finally survive nursing school and stud...
  13. Unemployed New Grad

    I feel the same way! I have had my NJ license for 2 months now and a NY license pending and I still can't find a job! And every time I talk about how difficult it is to find a job, I always have to explain myself. Yes there is a nursing shortage, but...